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Security Guard Tour System

Security Guard Tour Systems simplify operations saving you time and money. Schedule a DEMO of this reliable Guard Tour System or call (800) 688-9633 today.  

A security guard tour system—including the guard tour management software piece and the mobile Guard Tour App—smooths security operations and assures your customers that your company and your security officers are doing the job that they hired you to do. If you’ve been in the security industry for long, you’ve experienced the dreaded customer call saying that your security officer is not at their post. This may be the case—in which case this security guard tour system includes Managerial and Supervisory mobile Discipline Reports—or, more often than not, your customer just hasn’t seen the security officer today because the guard is performing their mobile guard tour rounds. The customer’s doubt usually occurs because they had a bad experience with a previous security guard tour service. In any case, with a great guard tour system in place, you can rest easy, because the best security guard tour systems provide proof through Scheduled Daily Security Reports, or at least on demand (this system does both). So, we’ll provide the facts and features, and you can determine if this is the best guard tour system for your needs.

Some of the more unique benefits that set this security guard tour system apart and above include:dark-mode-guard-tour-app 

        • NO Set-up fees
        • NO Binding Contract – You stay with AccountAbility because you are happy here.
        • Reliability – Including 100% successful scheduled reports delivery to date!
        • Affordability – We price the guard tour system pricing based on what is most affordable for your business model.
        • Simplicity – With as much as this security guard tour system does, which is a LOT, it remains easy-to-use for you, for your mobile guard tour force, and for your customers.
        • Branding, including Marketing and Bid pieces
        • 24/7 U.S.-based Expert Support – Unique even among companies who claim 24/7 Support.
        • Inclusion in the exclusive “Best Local Security Servicesonline directory
        • The “Community Watch App” which provides an entire additional layer of security that your competitors cannot!
        • Sole-provider of theSecurity PricingProbid pricing and security contract analysis software.


We’ll list more security guard tour FUNCTION bullets below, but if you’ve read enough to warrant looking at this guard tour software solution, just give us a call!

Security Guard Tour System solutions can be cost-effective and reliable. Call a Guard Tour System Expert at (800) 688-9633 or request a DEMO to see.  

The cornerstones of the AccountAbility security guard tour system are Reliability, Simplicity, Affordability, and truly amazing Support.

Guard tour system reliability is in alarmingly short supply. Through the years, we have watched in confusion as the largest Security SaaS (Software as a Service) suppliers in the WORLD dropped the ball, big time. Some went weeks without being able to attach pictures to the various security reports, some did guard tour app “updates” that stopped the app from being able to scan, some guard tour system providers intermittently ceased sending out scheduled daily security reports for prolonged periods, etc… How does that happen?! Thankfully we still don’t know. Except that, for whatever reasons, “bad coding” (programming) was done, combined with poor guard tour system quality control. That doesn’t happen here.

The AccountAbility Guard Tour System is built on the same ultra-secure, ultra-dependable platform utilized by many government agencies, healthcare providers, top universities, and Fortune 100 Companies. Security considerations include but are not limited to SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 compliance, with a full list of security protocols available upon request. Ironically, it costs us more to develop the system on this awesome platform but, due to the reliability of the guard tour system, combined with the uncompromising expertise of our Support, Development, and Quality Assurance Teams, we save a lot more! We can then pass that savings to you by way of a more affordable guard tour system.


Making the security guard tour system easy to use also contributes to its affordability. If you take a look at our Security Workforce Management System/ Home page, you will see how seriously we take simplicity.

Our Senior Consultant was the CFO of a large physical security officer agency when he created the first version of this security guard tour system, well over a decade ago. With decades of experience in physical security management and in financials, he understood the importance of keeping it simple. Security industry margins and high mobile workforce turnover can be a painful one-two punch if not handled correctly. So, when our Senior Consultant couldn’t find a cost-effective and reliable security guard tour system, he built one. You will not find a more user-friendly guard tour system and mobile patrol app.

A user-friendly Guard Tour System is a must-have. And when you combine that simplicity with reliability and affordability, you’ve got a great guard tour system. DEMO or call (800) 688-9633.

Guard tours can be performed by scanning NFC tags, QR codes, or selecting a “virtual checkpoint” from the mobile security officer app “Activity” form. The guard tour system is delivered with default Activity and Incident “Types”, but you can customize the types to whatever you choose, even defining them by site. So, if a pizza restaurant, for example, wants special “Activity” or Incidents done, you can have choices like, “Pizza Oven Checks”, “Large Walkin’ Temps”, etc… This guard tour system also allows data and pictures to be collected with each scan and activity, and time-stamps and geotags every mobile app submission, automatically creating and delivering attractive security DAR and Shift Reports when you want then delivered. 

Security Guard Tour System SUPPORT is probably the weakest component of most security officer software firms. None of us can understand why. If you have a great product, pay your people well, and have a positive company culture, it is nearly impossible to lose people in the security guard tour system industry. Even the largest of us have far less employees than an average size security guard company, so a security guard app company is much easier to manage than a security officer company. So, there is simply no excuse for providing poor Support?

Regardless of the answer, and regardless of the failure of other guard tour system company Support teams, you will never experience that with AccountAbility. The ORIGINAL technical, development and support people are still here! And our core team has put in over 100,000 hours Supporting and further Developing this guard tour tracking system.

What THAT means is that, when you reach one of our security officer tour system support experts with any issue, you are speaking with someone who knows this system inside and out, and who will be able to handle your question quickly and effectively; NOT someone overseas reading from a screen of possible guard tour system issues and putting you on hold multiple times only to finally tell you they will need to “escalate” your concern to the next level of Support…

With that, here are the bullets of the security guard tour system and overall guard management software functionality mentioned at the onset. Some functions will be left out, no doubt. And please don’t feel that you need to read through them all before you just call one of our guard tour app experts at (800) 688-9633 and ask!


        • Apps for iPhone and Android and Web
        • Customizable function/button visibility
        • A lone-worker “PANIC button”
        • A Mobile Suspicious Persons & Vehicles DATABASE
        • In-app Messaging
        • Geofencing
        • Timekeeping & Attendance
        • Mobile Post Orders/ SOP access
        • time-stamped and geo-tagged app submissions
        • GPS Coordinates Command Center MAP
        • Visitor Management Option
        • Security Guard Scheduling Option
        • Photo option with all guard tour app scans and reports entries
        • Report types by client option
        • DAR/ Daily Activity Report scheduling option
        • Real-time Incident Reporting option
        • Customer Reports Portal/ Database
        • Report approval option
        • Company Vehicle Reporting
        • Timekeeping Reports
        • Site Inspection Reports
        • Custom Reports option
        • NFC and QR scanning
        • Virtual checkpoints option
        • And more…seriously.


Guard tour system options appear to be a dime-a-dozen now, and sadly, many are worth exactly that. And some, like, “FREE guard tour systems”, will end up costing far more in the end. The best guard tour systems do what you need them to do, all the time, and at an affordable rate. And a bunch of really special and unique guard tour system benefits to Help You Make Money definitely helps too!

Give us a call at (800) 688-9633 or schedule a DEMO today!