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Guard Tour System

Get a Guard Tour System DEMO or call (800) 688-9633 to see if this affordable, easy, and dependable Security Guard Tour System Software is best for you.

Guard Tour System descriptions don’t usually begin by talking about the stellar guard tour system Support. We believe that is because Support for security guard tour systems and guard tour apps is generally…lacking—as you know if you have worked with many other guard tour system providers. So, that is why we are starting out by pointing to our Expert, U.S.-based, 24/ 7 Security Officer Tour System SUPPORT. Providing the BEST, 24/7, US-based guard tour system support possible to you, your security officers, and your security business customers is where we start, and it stays strong from there.   

A reliable, real-time security guard tour system definitely makes Support easier. So, this guard tour software is built on the very same ultra-secure and ultra-stable platform as many U.S. government agencies, universities, and healthcare provider software systems, as well as many of the most successful Fortune 100 Companies.guard-tour-system-app

Guard tour systems and Guard Patrol Software must be reliable, whether referring to the Guard Tour App, or the security guard tour management system as a whole.  Otherwise, your business cannot survive, much less GROW.  The guard tour system software that we provide and support for your business, your security workforce, and your customers, is reliable and much more. And it will set you apart from, and ABOVE, your competition.

We are not asking you to trust that this is the best guard tour system and guard tour app download for your company. We are confident enough in the reliability and first-rate Support of this security officer tour system that:

      1. We will not charge you a set-up fee.
      2. We require ZERO days notice to cancel.
      3. We will create branded marketing/bid material for you at no charge.
      4. We will base the security guard tour system pricing on your business model to make it most cost-effective.
      5. We will place you in the first ever,Best Local Security Guard Services” Directory to be offered by any company in our industry. The more YOU grow, the more WE grow. It’s that simple. 


If we can’t keep you as a customer on this guard tour system for at least a few months, we are losing money. It is the dependability of this guard tours system that allows us to make such an offer. Well, that and the supreme security officer tour system support.

Security Guard Tour Systems are not created equal. DEMO this affordable and reliable guard tour system software or call (800) 688-9633 now to decide for yourself.

You’ve worked hard to build your security officer agency. Having the best guard tour system is a huge piece of Helping Your Security Officer Business Thrive and Grow. And by saying, “best guard tour system” for your company, we mean a guard tour system that is a balance of decades of security officer industry experience, 24/7, U.S.-based support that is second to none, reliability, affordability, and simplicity. 

This real-time security guard tour system app is not only uncommon in its ability to attach pictures and a note to every QR or NFC scan submission, but is also branded to your business. That means that the guard tour reports going to your customer, as well as the marketing/bid material we supply, are all about YOU; your company name, and your brand. What better way to win new business than with a security officer tour patrol tracking system branded to your company? ESPECIALLY, one with features no one else can offer, like the “Community Watch App” and the “Best Security Services” Directory mentioned above. We even go as far as providing you with branded guard tour system marketing pieces to attach to your bids for new security officer contracts. If a branded security officer tour system and accompanying branded marketing material sounds like a winning combination, then this guard tour software and tracking app might just be the best guard tour system for you.

“Cheap guard tour systems” and “free guard tour systems” are understandably some of the more common guard tour system searches on the internet. But, as with all things, you get what you pay for with FREE or CHEAP solutions (though…this solution is pretty darn inexpensive). So, while we will not mislead you into free security officer tour software–just to unethically “up-charge” you for something that actually works–we will always strive to give you the most affordable security guard tour system that we can. We understand very well that cost-effectiveness is paramount with any guard tour tracking software solution and patrol tracker, or any security business expense for that matter!

As a matter of fact, our Chief Consultant was the CFO of a major security officer agency many years ago and, understanding the thin margins in the security industry better than most, he developed the amazing “Security PricingPro” security job bid pricing tool and security contract analysis software!


Contact a Guard Tour System expert by phone at (800) 688-9633 and DEMO this security officer tour system software.

The previous mention of our understanding of the need for an affordable guard tour solution leads to the next important point: Expertise.

The best security guard tour systems are designed from experience, and not by some software company that chooses to jump on the security guard workforce bandwagon to make a buck. A guard tour app and guard tour management system designed from the point of American security guard business experience is what we bring. 

The original designer of this system learned how to develop guard tour tracking systems and patrol apps after decades of working on the physical security officer management side of the industry.  He was frustrated by the complicated functionality, cost, and the outdated nature of other guard tour systems available. Security officers regularly called the office just trying to figure out how to use their mobile geofenced app. So, as a tried-and-true expert in the security officer business space, he built the first version of the app that has since served hundreds of security guard companies and tens-of-thousands of security officers, supervisors, and managers around the world. Since then, we’ve tweaked the guard tour system based on your (the security officer industry) input, until it is what it is today. And it’s getting better all the time!

The simplicity that was originally built into this security guard tour management system has only been honed over the years. For example, we use words instead of icons, and even have the illustrated User Manual right at the mobile security officer’s fingertips; literally, in the upper right corner of the mobile guard tour app itself.

We also include the latest user manuals in the upper right of the Admin Portal/ Command Center.  Both the management user manual and the mobile security officer app user manual are highly illustrated to give a clear visual of the guard tour GPS tracking system and mobile app functionality and capabilities. And you will find the latest VIDEO tutorials under the Admin Portal SUPPORT button as too!

Running and successful security officer business is tough enough without having to wrestle with your security officer tour monitoring system and apps on a daily basis. Ownership and management of your company should have the phone lines free for customers and urgent matters, not jammed up with mobile security officers calling in because they don’t see where to reset their password.

If you are looking for an affordable security guard tour system solution, that is also easy to use for both you and your security officers, then this guard tour system and security guard app could be the best fit for your needs.

Call (800) 688-9633 for a demonstration of this easy and affordable guard tour system management software, or DEMO


Submitting an “Activity” or a scan through the guard tour app automatically creates a timestamped line-item in the DAR, including any security data reported, and pictures taken.  Your customers can then receive their tour reports by these methods:

      1. Scheduled email DAR ( Daily Activity Reports), and Incident Reports, which go out each day at the time you schedule and include all the checkpoint scan and activity entries for the previous 24 hours, along with Incident Reports if you choose, up to the minute before the reports goes out.
      2. SHIFT Reports, which go to your customer in real-time, based on when an officer ends their shift or clocks-out, if you are using timekeeping reports.
      3. Real-time Incident Reports that go to your customer as soon as the field officer taps “Submit”
      4. Your customer’s real-time database of reports, which we call the “Reports Portal”.
      5. Or all of the above, if you or your customer choose!


Bottom line:  There is no shortage of security guard system report delivery options to fit your customer’s needs.

And neither is there a shortage of report TYPES to fit your needs! From the more common reports already mentioned, to Company Vehicle Reports, Visitor Reports, Suspicious Persons/ Vehicles Reports, Task Reports, Employee Discipline Reports, Site Inspection Reports, and more! And if somehow the guard tour system doesn’t have the exact report you need, then we can build you Custom Security Reports.    

And, as mentioned above, all the security guard tour system reports are branded to your company.  This means that they will not have our logo or name, but yours.  

Once you start using this security officer tour management system and app it’ll be a breeze in no time. But, whether through live online training, training videos, or the user manuals, we will provide you with all the security officer tour system and app training that you need. After that, our excellent Support staff will be here to answer questions for you, day, night, weekend, and holiday…SERIOUSLY. And when you hire a new Operations Manager or Site manager, we’ll be here to get them up to speed as well.

By now you see that this guard tour system is excellent. But, again, is this the best guard tour system for your company’s needs?

There are a lot of security officer tour management “solutions” out there. Some even advertise “FREE” Guard Tour Systems (which, those will cost you a LOT more in the end). Others brag that they have been the top choice since the 1990s…and have never updated to current security guard technology because they are sticking with what made them successful in the 1990s. 

So, just consider what makes a security officer tour system and app the best guard tour system for you. If it is the points that we went over, bulleted below, then maybe it’s worth a call:guard-tour-system-solution       

        • Expert 24/7, U.S.-based SUPPORT
        • Guard Tour System RELIABILITY
        • BRANDING to YOU
        • Guard Tour Software AFFORDABILITY
        • EXPERTISE In System Development
        • Mobile Guard Tour App SIMPLICITY
        • Guard Tour System REPORTING OPTIONS
        • Ongoing TRAINING
        • Exclusive features to help your business GROW


Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to decide for yourself if this is the best security guard management system software and guard patrol tracking app for you!