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About the Security Officer ACCOUNTABILITY Team

When choosing a name to represent our company one word kept coming up over and over:  Accountability. This word means a lot and, in our case, it means more than the sum of its parts. We pride ourselves on always remaining accountable to those we serve, and through our security guard workforce management system, you have the ability to better take care of your accounts. All while scheduled DAR (Daily Activity Reports) and real-timeIncidentReporting and security operations monitoring assure your customers that you remain accountable to them. It is about Account…Ability. Just couldn’t resist.

The AccountAbility Global team is U.S.-based, headquartered in Tampa Bay, and has spent the majority of our careers in the physical Security Officer industry and/ or the Security Guard Management Systems and Applications industry.  Most of us have either worked on the security officer company management side for some of the most successful security officer companies in the business, or on the security guard management system side, providing software and app solutions from some of the most recognizable software players in the security industry.

We formed this company to fill the gaps in system performance and/or support that did not exist in our previous companies.  This evolution has produced great products and great service, and we have lots of plans for the future too, as to how to advance our services to help you more.

Call our guard management systems pros at (800) 688-9633 or click HERE to schedule a security officer management software demonstration.

AccountAbility Global is dedicated to simplifying the way security guard management is handled. We provide user-friendly technology solutions to enhance the efficiency of your security operations affordably and smoothly.

We understand that the need for security only grows in today’s world. The traditional security methods of paper and polaroid, or even keys and wands, are no longer sufficient to address the real-time threats faced by your customers and potential customers. So, we have developed a real-time mobile application that gets you and your customers the data you need, when you need it.

Our mission is to make your security processes smoother through real-time communication, data analytics, and simple user interfaces. Our team, therefore, is comprised of experienced professionals in the fields of security, technology, and user experience, to provide real solutions that are user-friendly, enhance your security measures, reduce risks to your customers and officers, and optimize your security resource allocation.

Join us on our mission. Contact AccountAbility Global today and discover how our security guard management system and app downloads can transform your security operations, making your life easier, and the return on your time more profitable.  The safety of your officers, customers, and their property is our priority, and we will provide you with the service and support you deserve in this sometimes-uncertain world.  

AccountAbility.  That’s what this is about.

Click to schedule a DEMO of this cost-effective security officer management system and app or call an expert now to see if this is the best guard management system for you: (800) 688-9633