Contact Us
AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684
Yes, the AccountAbility Security Officer Management System includes all the traditional functions; security officer tracking, scanning, reporting, etc., as covered in point 4, below. But we help you build your security guard business because we understand that the more we can help you grow, the more we grow.
You are likely here because you already have a security guard business, so this page will not cover how to start a security officer company. Though, we will be happy to help with that as well. We also will not rehash the “keys” to building a successful security guard company. Since you are here, we will address how AccountAbility will help you obtain new customers and keep those customers.
So, besides an ultra-easy-to-use, reliable, and affordable Security Workforce Management System & App, here are seven proven—and often exclusive—ways that AccountAbility will help you grow and make your security guard business more profitable. We will cover the benefits in detail below, but here are the bullets, first:
1. Branded Marketing and Bid Security Technology Pieces:
While not unique to AccountAbility, we are one of the very few security workforce management and tracking system companies to include technology (guard tour system and patrol apps and the Community Watch app, discussed below) marketing and bid material, branded to your security guard company. You will receive a one-page branded technology flyer as well as a seven-page branded piece; both thoroughly illustrating YOUR system and guard tracking app capabilities. Our logo and contact information appear nowhere. Only yours. The same is true with the guard management system reports, etc. Your customers need never know we exist. Branded marketing and bid materials and customer-facing technology is the first way we help you build a more successful security guard business.
2. Inclusion in the “Best Local Security Guard Service Companies” DIRECTORY:
To our knowledge, we are the first security SaaS (Software as a Service) business to create a local security guard services directory and, at the time of this writing, still the ONLY one. We market this “Best of” guard company directory to businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, HOAs, government agencies, etc., through various methods. We also include it in organic Google searches.
The way it works is simple: A property manager or business owner, etc., simply searches their U.S. zip code for security services they need. If you have a site in the AccountAbility system that is within 25 miles of the zip code they searched, your company appears; logo, website, contact data, and MORE!
Seriously think about this one for a minute. How many customers would we need to drive your way before the security guard management system more than pays for itself? One? Maybe TWO? But we are going to keep driving customers your way as long as you are with us. One more exceptionally powerful way that AccountAbility helps you build a successful security officer company!
3. The Community Watch App:
And it just gets better and better. Many years ago, the Senior Advisor for our company, who spent DECADES in the physical security business, developed the “Community Watch App”, based on an idea put to him by our president. It was created as a sort of neighborhood/ business watch system, where your customers could notify you and your site supervisors if/when they saw a security concern. That alone is huge, supplying an entire additional layer of security that your competitors cannot. Since then, our CTO has been further developing the Community Watch App based on customer input. This feature is a HUGE selling point for you, and part of the previously mentioned branded marketing and bid pieces. But most importantly, this unique neighborhood/ business watch system and app is a tremendous way that we help you build a successful security guard business.
4. AccountAbility Certification Badges
With your choice of a Gold AccountAbility Certification Badge and a Battleship Gray AccountAbility Certification Badge, your customers, or potential customers can see that you are committed to transparency and accountability through the latest monitoring and reporting technologies.
Easy, Dependable, Affordable Guard Management System & App
All of the previous points are included in the super easy-to-use, super reliable, super affordable AccountAbility security guard management systems and security guard app. Simplicity is key; from the user experience of your management team, to your mobile security officers running their tours, to In-app Messaging, the DAR, Incident Reports, Visitor Management, Alerts, etc., received by your customers. The system is customizable to your specific needs and the already excellent pricing is reduced accordingly. You can read all about the system features in detail here: ARSENAL, or just give us a call to discuss what you specifically need.
Everything above is included in the AccountAbility security workforce management system, except the “Contract/ Job BID software” and the “Security Industry SEO”. You will not need the bid software or the SEO to benefit from the other built-in methods to achieve a more successful, profitable security guard business. SEO, as you will read below, is an advanced technique that takes longer to work than the built-in points above, most of which provide instantaneous results! If you choose to move forward with SEO, it would require a separate investment based on discussions about exactly what you wish to achieve.
5. “White Glove” Security Officer Management System Administration
Another FIRST for the security officer management system industry, AccountAbility is proud and honored to offer expert system administration services, directly from the people who built and support this system. This goes far above and beyond the 24/ 7, U.S.-based security guard management system SUPPORT that we provide. And this Admin Assistance can be paid as needed, or by monthly flat-rate pricing, based on your needs. Regardless, is will save you a TON of time and money over hiring outside help.
6. Security guard business Contract/ Job BID Pricing software
A truly amazing contract pricing and analysis tool that lets you quickly and accurately price new bids, as well as check existing contracts to see if you need to request a justifiable rate increase. The “Security PricingPro” can be acquired as a stand alone, or at a significant discount with the guard management system.
7. Security Website SEO
The president of our company has over a decade of success in this specialization, so we offer it as an advanced and additional service, if you wish. SEO is, in fact, the way that both AccountAbility, and his previous company, achieved success without paying for advertising. View his LinkedIn timeline for a better understanding. As mentioned at the onset, though, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is definitely not necessary to reap the substantial guard company growth rewards already built into the AccountAbility guard management system. SEO is just another, longer-term way to continually grow your security officer business.
In a nutshell, SEO is the science of making your website, or specific pages of your website, more “relevant” to Google, for the services that you offer. By doing this, Google and other search engines place that page of your website in the top of the “organic” search results (actual/ non-AD results) 24/7. For a couple examples of how AccountAbility is found for what makes us money, Google “affordable security guard geofencing”, or “guard company vehicle reports”, or “dependable guard tour apps“, or “guard job pricing tool”…, to see how AccountAbility (or his previous company, whose website content he wrote) show up on page one of the Google results. Those are not “paid ad” results. That is SEO.
AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684