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In-app Messaging Security Guard App

In-app messaging is a very useful feature in a security guard app. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this affordable security guard messaging app system to see if you agree.

What is “In-app Messaging”, and how is it useful for a security guard business?

Simply, in-app Messaging allows the management of a security guard firm to communicate information to the mobile security workforce in real-time. If two-way in-app messaging is activated, then security officers in the field can message managers as well, whether in response to an in-app message that they received, or information about whatever they need to advise management of.

Reliable security guard messaging is useful for several reasons:


    • Enhanced Situational Awareness

A site Supervisor or Manager can use in-app messaging to alert the officers at a site of changes there. Whether a torrential rain has caused flooding in some parts of the property, one of the buildings caught fire in the night, there are detours in the way a security officer will need to approach the property, or any other development, in-app messaging can alert the security guards. And if two-way in-app messaging is activated, the security officer who is on duty can alert management of the same. So, while an Incident Report–which would be completed in at least a couple of the examples given–will send a real-time alert in this guard management system, the mobile guard tours in-app messaging can also send a quick message to management, prior to beginning the incident report which may not be completed for an hour or two, depending on the nature of it. 

    • Post Order/ SOP Updates

This security workforce management software is equipped with easy Post Orders/ SOP mobile access. Post Orders/ SOP Management is controlled through the “Command Center” (System Admin). When a manager uploads new post orders to a site, in-app messaging is a reliable and easy way to alert the security officers patrolling at that site to check their new post orders/ SOP, and acknowledge, if requested.    

    • Communicating New Information to the Mobile Workforce

A common use in this regard is a BOLO (Be On the Lookout for), describing a person or vehicle and what to do if encountered. This can be sent to everyone in the system, or to individuals at a particular location. Anything from a new company policy to data on a company-wide meeting can be relayed this way.

    • Mobile Security Officers Acknowledging Receipt of New Data


Two-way In-app messaging allows security guards to message management (only). The excellent “Pass-down Log” built into this guard tour system will alert security officers coming on duty for the next shift of information that they need to know about, but this in-app messaging is a security feature, and not meant for “texting” fellow security officers. In-app messaging is a great way, however, for a security officer to acknowledge receipt of a message sent by management, if directed by management, and if the two-way feature is activated.

    • Dispatch

The Command Center, which should be open to a Dispatcher as a Level 2 (or Level 1) manager, has a Real-time GPS Map on the home screen. The map reveals the positions of your security officers, as well as real-time traffic, and can be viewed in satellite or map mode. This simplified “dispatch” tool allows a dispatcher to see who is currently close to a site that a security officer needs moved to, and message that security officer to move to that location and acknowledge.  

    • Improved Compliance

Simply, dependable in-app security guard messaging is just one more way to be sure everyone is doing what they should be doing.

    • Increased Efficiency

The increased efficiency that security workforce in-messaging delivers comes from a combination of all of the above, plus some. This security officer tracking/ monitoring system and the Guard Tour App downloads are made to smooth security operations as much as humanly (and technologically) possible. And smoother security operations make for a better experience for everyone, from the COO of your security guard company, to your customers, to a brand new security officer hire.   

Security Guard In-app Messaging makes operating and growing a security guard agency easier. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this easy In-app Security Guard Messaging.

Reliability, Simplicity, Capability, and Affordability will be evident in the security guard in-app messaging, just as they are in all aspects of this Security Workforce Management System. You will likely find that these traits make this the best security guard messaging system for your needs. 

If you are seeking simple and affordable security officer in-app messaging, along with awesome guard management system software and user-friendly security guard app, AccountAbility is the answer.

If you look at the top menu bar of our website, it is evident that we are not like other security guard management software companies. With super useful and unique offering like the “Best Local Security Guard Companies” directory that we market through Google, LinkedIn, etc., the amazingSecurity PricingPro” guard job bid pricing and security contract analysis software, the game-changing Community Watch App that provides an entire additional layer of security that your competitors cannot, we actually Help You Grow and Become More Profitable.

So, while you may have arrived here looking for the best security guard in-app messaging for your needs, you’ve found a lot more: Everything mentioned above, PLUS a Suspicious Persons/ Vehicles Database, Lone-worker Protection, Timekeeping, Geofencing, Visitor Management, Company Vehicle Reports, scheduled DAR (Daily Activity Reports), QR and/ or NFC scanning as well as “virtual” checkpoint selection via GPS, a Guard Scheduling option, Custom Reports, and a LOT more…  

This reliable security guard messaging app is part of an excellent guard management system that is affordable, and easy to use. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO today.