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Security Officer Monitoring System & App

Security officer monitoring system and tracking app Demo HERE or call a security guard tracking system an app expert at (800) 688-9633

A reliable security officer monitoring system and tracking app are a necessary tool in the security guard business, for a few reasons. Monitoring your security workforce gives you peace of mind, keeps your customers happy, and keeps your security officers safe. The security officer monitoring system and guard tracking app provided through AccountAbility is simple, dependable, inexpensive, made in the U.S. and supported by American security industry experts. The guard monitoring system also has lone-worker protection built in, to keep your people safe.   

You may not be able to “relax” (not really a thing in security) knowing that your security officers are making their patrol rounds and doing their guard tour reports, but you can concentrate on other more productive things, like growing your business. Monitoring security officer whereabouts shows you where your officer last scanned a patrol checkpoint or submitted an “Activity Form” (lock checks, foot patrol, light check…). The map on the homepage of your guard tour system refreshes to show you all of your customer sites and guard posts, with up to the minute activity. The tracking map also shows you up to the minute real-time traffic, to aid in dispatch.

Geofencing a security officer is also an option with this guard monitoring system and tracking app. Geofencing works using the GPS on a user’s mobile device and will not allow them to submit activities if outside the geofence. This ensures that your security workforce stays onsite during their shift. This system is unique in that you can easily geofence any level (security permissions) user, for assurance or convenience.

A security officer monitoring system keeps your security guard agency customers happy, and so, keeps your customers (client retention). On the occasion that your customer complains that your security officer was not on site, you can provide proof that they were, with a geo-tag and timestamp.

security-officer-monitoring-app-downloadAnd the “Panic button” allows your officers to send you, and/or whoever you choose, an alert if they are in distress. This lone-worker protection feature sends you the name, phone number, and GPS pin/ coordinates of the officer in real-time.

A security officer monitoring system and app assures you and your customers that your guards are making their security rounds, and tracking keeps your guards safe. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.

Ease-of-use is central in everything we do, and this guard monitoring system is no exception. Whether you are monitoring your security officers, or your customers need to see GPS proof that your guard was there, or your mobile security officer are using the guard tracking app, the process is simple. We have worked in the security industry for many years and understand that the best security officer monitoring system and mobile patrol tracking app must be easy to use, for everyone involved.

You need to be able to depend on whatever guard monitoring system you go with. This security officer tracking system is among the most reliable there is. With 100% successful report delivery at the time of this writing, we are confident that you will find the AccountAbility guard tour and patrol monitoring system and app among the most dependable security tools you have.

Cost is also something we understand well. We know about the thin margins and are careful not to price the guard tracking system out of range. The great thing about our security workforce software pricing method is that we base it on your business model, to make it as affordable as possible. Whether you are a start-up security guard business wanting to come out of the gate with a great security officer patrol monitoring system, or a large company looking to make things better, we will supply an inexpensive guard tour tracking solution.

And, saving the best for last, our SUPPORT team for the security officer monitoring system and guard tracking app download has over 100,000 hours of experience in the security officer industry. We are U.S.-based security system software and app experts, supporting an American built guard tracking system. As a matter of fact, we are in the unique position of having our security techs provide support, 24/7/365. It just doesn’t get better than that.

Secure a dependable security officer tracking system and guard monitoring app that is easy to use, made and Supported in and from the USA, and affordableschedule a DEMO or call (800)

Personal note: Monitoring your security officer’s positions throughout their guard tour and patrol shifts is not an invasion of privacy. A lot of the security officer business is comprised of retired, or sometimes, active-duty, military personnel, and police. Old-timers (and I can say that because I am one) have told me that they do not agree with security officer tracking because that was not necessary back in the day. When discussed, however, most security officers understand that security guard tracking is now expected by the customers of your security officer firm. And then there is the simple truth that not everyone does their job unless they know that guard tracking is holding them accountable.

Accountability is the bottom line, as always.

Give us a call at (800) 688-9633 or click HERE.