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Patrol Software

Security Guard Patrol Software should be dependable, affordable, and easy to use. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see if this is the Best Guard Patrol Software for you.

Guard Patrol Software is the best way to monitor your security officer’s location, both for your peace of mind, as well as for Your Security Officer’s Safety. Oddly, it seems that the more patrol software systems that come to market, the less reliable, cost-effective, and user-friendly patrol software and patrol app options there are.  Even many of the largest Security Guard Management Software companies seem to be getting weaker in these regards, with sales taking the front seat while dependability and Support are in the TRUNK.

Yet, everyone says they provide the best Guard Patrol Software, so who is being truthful?

First off, the “Best Patrol Software” is the guard patrol system and security guard app that is best for you. There are two important questions then:

      1. Reliability, Affordability, and Ease-of-use are certainly factors, but what do you want the patrol software to do for you?
      2. Since many sales folks have a quota to make, how can you be sure that the guard patrol software and patrol tracking app you are considering are really what they say they are? How can they (we) PROVE IT?


        You figure out the first point, and we’ll handle and explain the second point below.

How can patrol system providers PROVE that they have affordable, reliable, and easy guard patrol software? Call (800) 688-9633 to discuss, schedule a DEMO to see, or read on.

You’ve read this far, so we will answer point 2., above, first. How can a guard management system company prove that they have the solution for you? Especially the RELIABILITY and SUPPORT part!

A guard patrol software “Demo” won’t do it. Obviously, a demo is useful in that it can show you features and functions and give you an overall feel, but that gives you no clue as to reliability or Support. Even a short, free “trial” won’t do it. They know the sale hinges on your satisfaction, so they can temporarily support the system for you, only to find out that they are normally only available from 10am to 4pm ET Monday through Thursday…which isn’t much help when their “reliable patrol software” crashed 8PM MT on Friday night.

I’ll answer the question in the next paragraph, but having mentioned patrol software support, now is a good time to mention that we provide 24/ 7/ 365 U.S.-based EXPERT Security Guard Patrol Software Support, by way of phone and our ticketing system. That’s pretty awesome and unusual, already.

Finally, here is how a security workforce management software company can PROVE, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they provide the dependability, affordability, ease-of-use, and SUPPORT that you need in your guard patrol software system and patrol app:

      1. Require NO set-up fees.
      2. Require NO binding contract.


THINK ABOUT THAT. It is so simple, but if their security officer patrol system software is as great as they say, why would they need to hold you captive? It really is that simple.  

As far as we know, we are the ONLY guard patrol software manufacturer that has no binding contract. I hope it was made clear above, but that is simply because we are that confident in our product and service that we let you stay because you are happy. NOT because you are stuck.

Call a U.S.-based Guard Patrol Software expert at (800) 688-9633 or click to DEMO and let us PROVE why this may be the best security guard patrol software for you.

It has probably become evident why we are so confident in this patrol software and the accompanying checkpoint scanning patrol app: Affordability, ease-of-use, and most of all, reliability and Support. Give us a call or read on to see an explanation of each.

Finding affordable guard patrol software is always nice. The trick, of course, is why is it cheaper than others? Sometimes patrol systems are cheaper because they are made (and supported, for what that support is worth) overseas. The deeper questions then become, what do foreign software companies truly understand about American security, and where are they storing your security data? The other possibility is, how many corners were cut to make the guard patrol software so inexpensive? The great news, the geofenced AccountAbility security officer patrol software is affordable precisely BECAUSE we didn’t cut corners! Considering reliability first (which will be explained below), we built the foundation right. Consequently, we are able to save short and long term expenditures on Development patches, Tech, and Support (though we are here 24/ 7/ 365).   


If you visited our “Homepage”, you know that an easy guard patrol software experience is the foundation of this Security Workforce Management System. “Simplify” is actually the first (and largest) word on the home page. This is because the first version of this guard tour system was built about a decade and a half ago by our Senior Consultant. He spent DECADES in the physical security side of the security industry prior, until retiring as CFO from a large security officer agency. He understood, first hand, the need to make the guard patrol/ tour system as easy to use as possible, from the guard tour/ patrol app for your mobile security workforce, to management monitoring the security officers and controlling the guard reporting system, to your customers easily receiving their reports at the time and in the manner they wish. Chances are high that you will not find a more easy-to-use guard patrol software and apps.

Reliability. There are not many industries where reliability is more important than the security industry. Since inception, this guard management system has maintained a 99.99+% uptime and a 100% successful delivery of scheduled reports. That is pretty reliable security guard patrol software. As alluded to above, this entire security officer management system and all app downloads are “built right”. What that means is that we developed the patrol software on the same ultra-dependable, redundant, ultra-secure platform utilized by banks, medical facilities, government agencies and many of the Fortune 100 Companies. It wasn’t really that much more expensive to build our system this way but, as far as we know, we are the only company in the security patrol software space that has done it.   

Finally, Expert U.S.-based Support. This is what made us. It is our truly AWESOME support team—second to none in the world—who carried us through the early years when the security guard patrol rounds software and guard tour apps were not as strong. We understood, from the beginning, that people need to know they are being heard. We heard you. We hear you. And that won’t ever change. 24/7/365, we are here to help.

Yup. We’ve got your six.

Reliable, Affordable, and Easy Guard Patrol Software is here. Call (800) 688-9633 or click to DEMO. With no binding contract, you have nothing to lose!