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Suspicious Person & Vehicle Lookup/ Search

A suspicious person or vehicle lookup/ database search is an awesome guard company software tool, but surprisingly rare in the guard business. DEMO or call (800) 688-9633.

person-vehicle-database-lookupQuickly performing a suspicious person look-up or a vehicle search before doing an Incident Report or a Parking Violation report is much more efficient than doing an uninformed Incident Report. What if the person has already been banned from that property, but the security officer is unaware? Or, what if that vehicle has been parked in wrong spots three times already and should now be towed? Building a searchable, reliable database of suspicious persons/ criminal reports and vehicle reports, easily accessible through the mobile Security Guard App, gives your security officers true situational awareness, allowing them to stay safer, while doing a much more efficient job for you and your customers.

This affordable suspicious person and vehicle lookup or database search, or “Person/ Vehicle LOG” as we call it in the Guard Tour & Patrol App, is a police type function. When a police officer rolls up behind you for a traffic stop, they don’t just jump out of their patrol car and walk over to discuss why you were stopped. The Officer first runs your plate through at least two databases: The motor vehicles bureau with the state from where the license plate was issued, and the FBI’s Wanted Vehicle File on NCIC, where stolen vehicle data is stored.

In any case, the police officer is much better prepared–knowledge-wise and safety-wise–to approach the vehicle once the plate is run. With this powerful and affordable Security Workforce Management System, further equipped with a dependable suspicious person/ criminal and vehicle database lookup/ search right at the fingertips of your mobile security force, your security officers will now be better prepared to proceed accordingly too.

A reliable database of suspicious people and vehicles will quickly become an invaluable lookup system, saving time, money, and promoting security officer safety. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.

suspicious-person-criminal-lookup-appTo be clear, this excellent person and vehicle database search/ lookup is not the NCIC (National Crime Information Center, which is utilized by national law enforcement). This Person/ Vehicle Log is specifically based on data that you have collected. The suspicious persons and vehicles search will grow, then, the longer you are with us. Additionally, if you have a list of people and/ or vehicles that are already BANNED from certain properties or sites, you can provide us with a list of those banned persons and vehicles and we will upload it into your security officer management system Person/ Vehicle LOG. As you see in the picture, the “Banned from property” filter defaults to “All”, but your security officers and/or supervisors can also choose to search for only banned persons too.

As pictured, there are a good number of filters that can be applied, or, just leave it wide open to see everything. Managers can access all locations, while a geofenced security officer will have access to only the location/ Site that they are at. The point here, as with all things in the Security Guard Management Software, is ease-of-use, while getting exactly what you need. If the only info you have is that it was a red Ford truck, then that might help you narrow down the data for the next Incident Report; especially if photos were taken of said truck.

Furthermore, YOU will define the “Person/ Vehicle TYPES”.  Then, Person/Vehicles Reports can be attached to Incident Reports, or not, depending on the reason for collecting the data. For example, we include “default types” like “Banned”, “Former Employee”, “Person of Interest”, and “Vehicle in Wrong Spot” for collecting data that may not be attached to an Incident Report, and “Complainant”, “Witness”, “Suspect”, “Victim”, and “Parking Violation” for Person/Vehicle Reports that are attached to an Incident Report.  But you can change the types to whatever fits your specific needs.

If looking up suspects and suspicious vehicles to know how to best proceed sounds like the best way to go, call (800) 688-9633 today or schedule a Person/ Vehicle Search DEMO.parking-violation-security-guard-app

As pictured here, the results of a person or vehicle search are simple and to the point. In the suspicious vehicle image you will note that not all data was collected by the original reporting officer, but enough to take it to the next level for the SO now pulling it up. Or maybe three (3) reports show up indicating that this vehicle has repeatedly been in the wrong spot, and ticketed, and now it is time to have it towed.  

Simplicity/ ease-of-use is a key component to all parts of the AccountAbility guard management system. As presented under the “Arsenal” listing on the menu above, this guard tour & patrol system does a LOT, including some pretty innovative and exclusive functions to help you Win New Customers and Make Your Security Guard Business More Profitable. And the entire system, including the suspicious vehicle and person lookup database, is not only designed to keep it simple, but is also incredibly reliable—with 100% successful DAR (Daily Activity Report) delivery at the time of this writing—and affordable. After all, what good is an awesome security officer tour management system if it isn’t cost-effective?

So, what other features besides the suspicious person/ criminal and vehicle database lookup/ search might be of use?

How about 24/7 U.S.-based Support, a Reports Database for your customers, scheduled and/or real-time report delivery, Lone-worker Protection, Guard Tour System and Patrol Tracking functions, Custom Forms and Reports, NFC Tag or QR code scanning along with a “virtual checkpointmonitoring option, Post Orders/ SOP management, In-app Messaging, Geofencing, a Neighborhood/ Business WATCH app, Company Vehicle Reports, GPS tracking, Visitor Management, Timekeeping, Scheduling, and MORE…all made in America.

Call a security workforce management system expert at (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this affordable, reliable, and easy to use guard management system software and app download today.