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Guard Tour Software

Guard Tour Software to simplify security officer tour management reliably & affordably. Call (800) 688-9633 to DEMO this excellent Guard Tour System Software today.

Guard Tour Software is affordable, reliable, and easy to use with AccountAbility. And if you do have an issue, you can reach our U.S.-based Guard Tour Software Experts 24/7! The combination of cost-effectiveness, dependability, ease-of-use, and 24/7 American Support is rare—and possibly even hard to believe if you have used other, more expensive guard tour software—but we will explain below, and you can be the judge.

One thing to consider in deciding if this might be the best guard tour software system for you, is that we have no binding contract. We are the only company in security guard software doing that, as far as we know. We get an amazing number of calls desperately looking to move over to this system—because it is terrific, and less money—only to find that they are “locked in” for another four months until their annual guard tour software contract is up. That is garbage! If a company provides awesome guard tour software, then they wouldn’t NEED a binding contract. People would stay because they are happy. So, that’s what we do. Make you happy with the Guard Tour App download and the guard tour system software, day after day, year after year.guard-tour-software-app

We will address these guard tour software facets below, if you care to read on:


Otherwise, call our guard tour software experts at (800) 688-9633 or schedule a DEMO of this security guard tour system software and app today.

The Support of this guard tour software and the Security Workforce Management System as a whole is truly the best of the best. If you read any of the 5-Star reviews on the app playstores, the homepage of our site, or Google, you will see that Support as a consistent point of accolades. It seems that the guard tour software business is short on the stuff!

What makes our Support, Tech and Development teams so exceptional, is that you will actually speak with the same folks who have been in the trenches, building and conceptualizing our Growing System Capabilities, for over 100,000 hours! You’re not reaching some new hire in another country reading possible responses from a monitor while repeatedly placing you on hold. …Man, I hate that.

The Support is made a lot easier however by how reliable the guard tour software system is. You’ll see this statistic mentioned on a few pages of the site but, for anyone who has worked with other guard tour systems, it is pretty astounding: Our customers, and their customers, have enjoyed 100% successful scheduled DAR (Daily Activity Reports) and Incident Report delivery since inception!  That makes this guard tour software some of the best security guard reporting software and security reporting app in the business, too!

But what makes this security guard app and guard management system more dependable than others? Simply, instead of considering how to make the most profit with a “minimally viable product”, like the President of a previous guard management “solutions” company some of us worked for did (and I’m sure he’s not alone), we set about to do it RIGHT, from day one. This involved building the guard tour patrol system on the same platform utilized by many government agencies, healthcare facilities, universities, and many of the Fortune 100 Companies. Your guard tour system data is encoded moving in and out and stored in America is super-secure servers. The security protocols we adhere to go far beyond most of the competition, including but not limited to SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 certification and compliance. More stats available upon request.

If a secure & reliable guard tour software system that is supported 24/7 by U.S.-based guard tour software experts sounds like the way to go, DEMO or call (800) 688-9633.

As just explained, making money on a sub-par guard tours system was never a consideration. Our core team had worked at other security guard management companies where that was the philosophy, and it cost FAR more in frustration, Development, and Support in the long run. As it turns out, the thing that makes this guard tour software system so affordable is that we didn’t go with a cheap platform to build it on, but instead made the investment to future-proof this security guard tour software by making sure it was developed correctly every step of the way. Consequently, we ended up with a far more stable guard tour system than 90% of your options, with a price point that is at the very low end. Sure, we pay more for the better foundation, but we save a LOT more on Development and Support emergencies! Those other companies and those days are thankfully far behind us now. And we will pass the affordability and stability of AccountAbility on to you.

And regarding cost-effectiveness, there is absolutely no more cost-effective guard tour software than this, especially when We Help You MAKE Money. Nobody else does that, and it is all the more reason why you will continue using this guard tour/ patrol software system and app without us binding you to a contract.

And finally, this guard tour system is as easy to use as any guard tour software that exists. As much as this software does—and there is a ton listed under “Arsenal” in the menu up top—the training for management takes less than an hour, and the training for the mobile workforce app takes less than 30 minutes! This is because, with decades on both the physical security side and the guard management software sides of the security industry, we understood from the beginning how crucial simplicity is. The security business is notorious for high turnover and thin margins. This easy-to-use guard tour system software and guard tour patrol app make new hires less frustrated, keeping turnover lower, and the training time costs you far less when you do hire new security officers, too! That is a win WIN.

And speaking of “thin margins” and “winning”, be sure to check out the amazing “Security PricingPro(pictured here), guard job bid pricing software and security contract analysis tool.


But, back to simplicity; every aspect of the guard tour management “Command Center” and the mobile guard tour app is guided by easy-of-use. We use words to label the buttons/functions instead of cute icons. We include the latest version of the simple, illustrated user manual in the upper, right corner of the mobile security officer app, as well as including the user manuals AND latest training videos in the upper right of the Command Center/ Admin Portal, under the “Support” button. We remove any buttons/functions that you don’t need, to alleviate confusion, and we are here 24/7 on the rare occasion that you still need us! The simplicity of the guard tour system is one more reason that we save money on Support and can pass that savings along to you.

Aside from excellent features like Lone-worker Protection, Geofencing, GPS Tracking, In-app Messaging, Visitor Management, Timekeeping, Company Vehicle Reporting, a Suspicious Persons & Vehicles Database, NFC and QR scanning as well as virtual checkpoint selection, Post Orders / SOP Management, and Custom Reports, this Guard Tour Software System also includes powerful and unique functions like the Community Watch App and the “Best Local Security Guard Services” Directory to help you GROW!  

Call (800) 688-9633 or schedule a DEMO of this security guard management system and guard tracking patrol app today.