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Scanning App for Security Guards

A unique scanning app for security guards that can customize the scanner to the checkpoint scanning needs of your security guard business. (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.

Scanning apps for security guards should be reliable and easy to use. A simple, dependable security guard scanner app that is also affordable is likely important too.  But the best checkpoint scanning app download for your security officers is a system that is ALSO capable of all the other capabilities that your security business requires in a security guard management system. AccountAbility manufactures and supplies that security guard checkpoint scanning app, and more.

This security guard scanner app is part of the AccountAbility security workforce management system, which will be custom fit to your needs. If you only want the security guard app to scan and allow Activity submissions, then we will make it so. Or, if you want it ALL—which, we will address further on—then the scanning and management system is duly reliable. Simply saying this security guard scanning app is reliable does not make it true though. 

What makes the scanning app reliable?

As part of the AccountAbility security officer management system, the security guard checkpoint scanner is built on the same platform used by medical facilities, universities, government agencies, and many of the Fortune 500 Companies, including the likes of Deloitte and Intel. It is a super-secure, super-stable platform that, to date, has resulted in 100% successful report delivery for our customers and their customers. Seriously, 100%. If you have used other guard tour and patrol systems, then you understand how awesome this reliability is. security-guard-NFC-QR-Scanning App       

The scanning app dependably scans both QR codes and NFC tags. We will create all the QR codes you want, preformatted to Avery 5520, waterproof, self-adhesive, nylon labels, which can be acquired for about $50 per box of 1500 and hold up well in the weather, hot or cold. The NFC tags that we recommend, from the NFC checkpoint wholesaler we refer you to, are small, white, self-adhesive disks, about the size of a quarter. They also come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. NFC are the most reliable in that they cannot be duplicated and scanned elsewhere. This scanning system will alert you if a checkpoint is scanned outside the geofence, making QR codes reliable, but NFC are the most secure scannable checkpoints.    

Reliability is crucial in a security guard scanning app. Call us at (800) 688-9633 or click to DEMO this dependable NFC and QR scanner app for your security guards.

How is the scanning app easy to use?

Ease-of-use is one of the most prevalent topics through this website.  That is because our security guard scanning app and management system Support team has decades of combined experience in the physical security and security system software space. That does not include the decades of experience that our senior consultant had in physical security before he even designed the first version of what has become the current scanner app for security officers. So, he knew from experience, before beginning work on the security guard scanning app, how simple to use it should be. he is also the one who created the phenomenal Security PricingPro, security job bid-pricing tool and existing contract analysis software! 

He understood, for one, the high rate of security guard turnover that has always existed. It’s hard enough dealing with that turnover without also worrying about getting your new security officers trained up on their new scanning app.  Knowing that, he set out to create the easiest guard management system that existed, including the easiest security guard scanning app.

Here are some of the considerations that make the checkpoint scanner app, as well as the entire security officer tracking and reporting system, EASY:security-guard-checkpoint-scanning-app

            • A fixed scan button that appears below all app screens and mobile report forms for easy access.
            • The scanner button reveals only what management directs for that user’s security level, which may include QR, NFC, and NFC Writer (for management to easily write/program the NFC tags).
            • The latest short USER MANUAL always appears in the upper right of the mobile app home screen, covering all functions, fully illustrated, and including scanning.
            • An “Admin Portal” (Command Center) training video under an hour and a thorough mobile app training video under half-an-hour.
            • An incredibly user-friendly experience for all! If the security officer is supposed to scan, then the button says SCAN. The Incident Reporting button says INCIDENT.  The Visitor Management button says VISITOR MANAGEMENT, etc.; plain English instead of fancy icons.
            • The mobile app and the entire guard management system was made in America, by American security experts, and is supported from the U.S. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


All this simplicity adds up to an easy ramp-up and deployment of your security guard scanning app users, and an equally easy time for you and your customers receiving the finished reports!

Get an easy-to-use security guard app to scan NFC tags or QR codes as part of this user-friendly security officer management system. (800) 688-9633 or DEMO

This is the easiest  and most reliable scanner app and security guard management system we have encountered and, with over 100,000 hours of service to the physical security business, we have seen a LOT. And while simplicity and dependability help make this guard scanning patrol app the best for your needs, what else is included in the security workforce management system, and just as reliable and easy to use?

Besides a great security checkpoint scanner app, here are some of the other functions of this security workforce management system that may make this the best security guard scanning app for you:


Read more about the details of the functions in our capabilitiesARSENAL”.

A security guard app that is backed up with an entire security workforce management system of reliable and simple-to-use functions. (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.

But after all that, how affordable can this security officer checkpoint scanner app be? Short answer, this checkpoint scanner is VERY affordable. Long answer…

…This guard management system—initially, very briefly, using a “free”, third-party security guard checkpoint scanner, incidentally, which…did not go well, as is the case with “FREE” products—was originally designed over a decade ago. The creator was then an officer in one of the large security guard firms of the time. He had been tasked with finding an affordable security guard scanning app that was also reliable and easy to train their thousands of users on. The search was not fruitful. He ran into overseas software companies who knew nothing about American security, He found companies that were based in America, but offered little to no Support, and he found companies that just could not offer a security guard scanning app, much less and entire management system, that met those four SEEMINGLY simple criteria: RELIABILITY, EASY to use, CAPABLE of meeting all their needs, and AFFORDABILITY.

So, after weeks of disappointment, coupled with decades of physical security experience, he set out to build the best and most affordable security guard tracking app and guard management system. And here we are.

The best security guard checkpoint app is also reliable, capable, easy, and affordable. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this affordable security checkpoint app.