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Easy Guard Management System

An Easy Guard Management System that is also powerful and affordable. DEMO this simple security guard management software or call (800) 688-9633 today.

An easy guard management system can still be the best Security Officer Management System for you.  In fact, only true experts in the security industry could build an incredibly simple-to-use security workforce system that still does everything you need it to, and that might just make this security officer tracking system the best guard tour patrol management system for your security business.  We’ll state the facts, and you can be the judge.

The importance of the guard management system user experience cannot be overstated. If your security officer can’t easily see how to reset their password, much less How to Submit an Incident Report, or when to work, trouble can quickly escalate. So this guard management software is designed to simplify your security operations.

An industry problem is that many of the companies offering a Security Workforce Management Solution are either not headquartered in the U.S., so know little about American security, or they are simply a software company who decided to jump into the security niche to make a buck, or BOTH.easy-guard-management-system-app

The AccountAbility Global security guard management system team has been working in service to the security industry for decades and generations.  Our team has provided guard management service, including custom form and report solutions, for the largest security officer companies in the world, and worked just as hard for the new security guard company owner just looking for the most affordable guard management system and guard tour app to scale for his or her business.

After over 100,000 hours of service and support to the security industry, on both the physical security side as well as the guard management system side, the AccountAbility Global team is very well acquainted with your security business needs, and uniquely positioned to meet those needs. Making guard management easy is a BIG part of that.

Easy to use and simple to deploy, this affordable security guard management system was designed by security industry experts to serve you. DEMO or call (800) 688-9633.

So, what makes this reliable and cost-effective guard management system easy to use?

      1. Support: A common theme throughout our websites, we often speak of Support for your security officer tour management system first. If you have ever had to deal with a security workforce software provider who thought that Support should end at 5PM, don’t worry, that is not us. Year after year we’ve served security guard companies 24/7. We understand that that is the deal in the security industry. It is unfortunate how many guard management system companies don’t understand that.  
      2. Easy Reporting Options: Traditionally, security guard agency customers have received their reports via email each day, as DAR (Daily Activity Reports). Sometimes they also receive Incident Reports and other report types if you choose to include them. So, yes, daily emails are simple to set up in this guard management and patrol rounds tracking system, but so are real-time Incident Reports, if that is what you or they require. And this dependable security guard tour management system includes a database of reports for your customers if you choose to give them access.  Here, your customers can pull their own reports from yesterday or two years ago without bothering you for them.  These security officer reports can populate the customer facing “REPORTS PORTAL” in real-time, or upon your approval. To top it all off, you have excellent “internal” reports, including Company Vehicle Inspection Reports, Task Reports, Discipline Reports, and more! This powerful and easy guard management system even includes a unique police type function that we refer to as a Person/ Vehicle Report, which logs suspicious persons, people who have been banned from properties, and vehicle violations, creating a suspicious or criminal person and vehicle database, accessible by your mobile security force!
      3. Simple “Command Center” (System Admin): Your security officer management Command Center is where you control everything. From here you can easily check on security officer location, add users with the appropriate security access level, add you clients and sites, and set-up the reports to go to your customers in the way that you and they see best.
      4. Simple Training: Comprehensive training, through video and/ or live online, is supplied prior to deployment. While we have built this reliable security guard management system to be easy to use, we understand that the security industry is unpredictable. It may be that you or someone else in the training session gets an emergency call and needs to handle an incident. No problem!  We will record the guard tour management training session and provide it to you to share with anyone who needs it! And if you hire a new manager or what have you, we are here to support them as well! The fully illustrated security officer management and mobile guard app User Manuals will help too!
      5. simple-guard-management-systemEasy Deployment: After training, your chosen Administrators and Managers can easily schedule daily activity reports and real-time reports to go to your customers and add additional security officers and managers with the security access levels that your upper management dictates. And deployment for your security officers is simple too! The mobile patrol app training video will be made available to share with them if you wish, plus the fully illustrated user manual is literally at their fingertips, in the upper right of the mobile tours app! Simple and effective Geofencing also keeps operations smooth, from Incident Reporting to Post Order/ SOP access, so your security officer does not need to select their location.   
      6. Intuitive User Interface: Having served the security officer industry for decades, we understand that simplicity is paramount. You have enough to do without worrying if your new security officer will remember how to reset their password if they forget, or if they remember what each icon means.  From the NFC tag and QR codeSCAN” button to the “INCIDENT” Report button, we use words.  Funny sounding sentence, but we have found that creating an Incident Form that says “Incident” is far more effective than trying to create an icon of an explosion or something to indicate an Incident.
      7. Real-Time Reporting and Alerts: The days of paper reports with paperclipped polaroid pics are gone. So are the days of key tracking systems and wands that need to be downloaded once back to base. The modern security guard business customer wants to know what is happening as it happens, or at least have the option. And even if you decide that your customer does not need to receive the Incident Report in real-time, you should definitely still get it right away! The same is true of a missed “Clock In”, for example. If you choose to, you will receive an alert if an officer is 10 minutes late to begin their shift.  
      8. Security Officer SAFETY: Security officers put their life on the line. We know that. We are too often pulled in to help pull Incident Reports involving violence and even loss of life. That is why the AccountAbility Global security guard app includes the PANIC button, seen in the image here. When a security guard finds themselves in a dangerous or threatening situation, they simply tap the button which starts a 10 second timer. If the officer does not choose to deactivate the timer within 10 seconds, then an alert is sent to several emails, or optionally, to as many as 20 phone numbers/SMS/texts of your choosing. 


Call a security guard management systems expert at (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to decide if this is the best guard management system for you.