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Patrol Tracker & Guard Tour Rounds Tracker

DEMO this security guard tour rounds tracker system or call (800) 688-9633 to speak with a security officer patrol tracker app expert.

Security guard rounds trackers, for guard tours and patrol tracking, are the easiest way to show your customers that your security officers are doing what they are there to do. The AccountAbility security rounds tracker comes in the form of a mobile tour patrol app. This mobile patrol tracking app can be downloaded to an Apple iPhone or tablet, or an Android device, or there is even a web app that can be accessed from a PC, laptop, or non-android/ non-iPhone mobile device. We are one of the few officer rounds patrol tracker systems with such a function!

A guard tour system and patrol rounds tracker works by way of GPS. When your security officer submits a scan or “Activity” (foot patrol, door check, light check, etc…regular daily activity), the system automatically creates a time-stamped and geotagged entry in the DAR, or Daily Activity Report. The geotag shows you—the top management of the company that acquires this security workforce management system—with a pin on a map showing you where the security officer was at that point in their patrol rounds. The nice thing about this affordable security guard patrol tracker is that you can give permission to your customer to see the security guard’s position all the time, or just run a report when asked to prove that your SO was there, and when they were there.

security-guard-rounds-tracker-appThe security rounds guard tracker app and scanner feeds into the guard management system. The security guard management system is ultra-reliable, with a 100% success rate for report delivery at the time this page was written! You can choose to send your customer their reports in a morning email, a real-time email, and/or access to their own database of security officer reports. This customer-facing “REPORTS PORTAL” is very simple to use, but includes a one-page User Manual for your customer, just to be sure.

The rounds tracking system includes a map on the home screen of your command center, or “ADMIN PORTAL”. You can refresh the map any time to track your security officer’s rounds in real time, any time. The map will monitor your guard’s rounds at all your security customer sites. If you choose, you can also give access to the security rounds tracker map for your customers, in which case they will have an additional button in their “REPORTS PORTAL”, called GPS MAP, showing them only the activity at their site(s) since midnight. Details on each report can be found under the report buttons, themselves.

And to top it off, this security officer patrol and tour tracker is built in, and supported from, America. It is odd, and a little alarming, how many popular “security” software tracking systems are developed overseas. With AccountAbility, your security guards rounds tour tracking data is collected and stored in ultra-secure U.S.-based servers—data encrypted going in and encrypted coming out. But who know where the data is stored with these security rounds tracker companies based in Greece, India, France, etc…

The best, American built and supported security guard rounds tracker is cost-effective, helps you keep your team on task, helps keep them safe, and keeps your customers happy, knowing that your company is doing the job they hired you to do.   

For a dependable, affordable, and easy-to-use security officer tour rounds tracker & patrol tracker system, supported from and built in the USA, schedule a DEMO or call (800) 688-9633 now.