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The Best Guard Management System for You

Your best security guard management system and the best security guard management software and apps must fit your specific needs. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO here.

The “best guard management system” and the “best security guard management software” is, very simply, the best guard management system and software for you. Anyone who starts out by telling you that they can provide you with the best guard management system and the best security officer app, without even knowing what you need it for, is…maybe not being 100% truthful.  

The security industry experts with AccountAbility have spent over 100,000 hours in service and Support to the physical security industry.  We have listened, and we have worked hard to make this the best security guard app and management system software that we could.  And we’re not done either. We have also learned from you that “The BEST” is in the eye of the beholder, so in this page (or if you call and speak to someone here), we will provide the facts, answer your questions, and in the end, YOU will be the judge as to whether this is the best security guard management system software for your specific

Before diving into the excellent capabilities that may place this guard management system among the best–and many capabilities are incredibly powerful and exclusive–please consider this: AccountAbility is the first and ONLY (at the time of this edit) security officer workforce management system to develop a comprehensive strategy to make YOU money. This is real, and this may be the icing on the cake to make this the very best guard management system software and app for you, all on it’s own!  Simply click to learn How AccountAbility Makes Your Security Guard Business More Profitable.

We will get into the actual security guard management system and app capabilities in a moment. First, a couple questions about the AccountAbility system that will help you decide if it is best for your b

usiness are, is this a dependable guard management system, is it affordable, is it easy to use, and how great is the SUPPORT?  

In respect for your time, we will address SUPPORT (and explain why it is capitalized), then cut to bullets/ capabilities.  To read more about this systems exceptional reliability, or affordability, or ease-of-use, please click those blue links to take you to that page.

This company is named AccountAbility for a reason. Most of us came from security officer management software companies who ignored the requests and concerns of their customers, and who also operated on banker’s hours…like security stops at 5PM and on holidays! So, many years ago our core team began providing 24/7 support; and all from America, too. That is when much of our 100,000+ hours of support to the security industry was gained; showing a security officer the link to reset their password at 3am, or helping a new manager on Thanksgiving Day, who hadn’t yet seen the training video about how to add a new site. And we’ve gained a whole lot of expertise along the way, both in Security and SaaS (Software as a Service). Security doesn’t sleep, or take a day off, so neither do we; not all of us at once, anyway! Arguably 24/7 Support from U.S. based security industry experts might be the best security guard management system software and app SUPPORT that you can get.

The best security management system & the best security guard apps are supported by U.S.-based security industry experts, 24/7. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.  

All security guard apps and management systems should have the basic features like scanning checkpoints, real-time mobile reporting, mobile Post Order/SOP access, geofencing, etc., as you will see listed below. Any app and software that doesn’t have THAT basic stuff working is not okay.

The best guard management system, however, needs to do a lot more, while not overcomplicating user experience, and keeping it affordable (and by the way, avoid “free” guard management systems and “cheap” security guard app products).

Here are some of the features that might help you decide if this really is the best guard management software for your needs. We’ve also highlighted a few of the more exclusive, or largely unique, features in green, to help you decide if they might weigh in.

(NOTE: It’s a lot of stuff. It might be easier to just call us at (800) 688-9633 to discuss your needs)

Android and iPhone Mobile Patrol Security Officer Apps:

Apps can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store, and are also available through the “Customer Login”.

Suspicious Person & Vehicle Database

Amazingly, we are not aware of any other guard management systems that have this police-type function. Simply, over time, or by giving us data to import, you have an extensive database of suspicious and criminal persons reports and vehicle reports and “Banned from property” reports to give your mobile security force Complete Situational


Again, this is emphasized because of the 24/7, security industry expert, U.S. based Support. That is the best guard tour app and security officer patrol management software Support there is, I don’t care WHO you are!

Customizable Buttons/Functions:

This is HUGE. This is the most flexible security guard app that we have encountered. Simply, you can have all the standard functionality, ask us to activate additional functionality, or strip it down to an Activity Form and no scan button! The point is that there will be no confusing capabilities that your managers, Supervisors, customers, or mobile security officer workforce are required to deal with. Lean and MEAN! 

Mobile Guard PANIC Button:

Some mobile security officer apps have this crucial function, but many of the “big” players don’t. Here is more on that if you wish: Security Officer Lone Worker Protection

QR, NFC, or VIRTUAL Checkpoints:

Simple enough. “Virtual checkpoints” can be selected from the Activity Form, for a client who may not allow any kind of scannable point to be affixed to their property. Otherwise, you can set individual users to scan QR codes or NFC tags.

In-App Messaging:

In-app messaging keeps the line of communications clear and secure between managers, site supervisors, and mobile security officers.


This is your command center, from where you can monitor and control the system.

Real-time Management Map:best-guard-management-system-tracking

This map is located on the home screen of your Admin Portal. It displays in a position that is zoomed out to show all of your sites at which recent activity has occurred. You can click “Refresh Map” at any time to see up to the second Activity , Incident, and Scan submissions, and/or you can zoom in on a specific site, to closely analyze what is happening there.

Reports Branded to YOUR Business

Again, some other security officer management software providers help with this, but MOST of those few slap their own name on it somewhere. We at AccountAbility want to make this YOUR system, so our name is not attached to your marketing material, customer REPORTS PORTAL, or emailed reports.

Report Approval Option:

You can approve ACTIVITY and/or INCIDENT submissions if you choose.

Many Standard Security Officer Report Options:

Scan, Activity, Incident, Visitor, Timekeeping, Vehicle Inspection, Discipline, etc., along with a lot that are not so “standard”, like Task, Alarm Response, Person/Vehicle, and more. While we are not making this one green, the AccountAbility system gives you the unique ability to create “TYPES” for the standard report forms. So, whether you want to create your own Incident Types with police codes, or you need specific Activity types for a hospital customer, we got you covered!

Custom Forms & Reports:

While the customization abilities in the regular system allow for thousands of variations, if you need something even more specific for a particular customer, or you need a very special form for your supervisors, or whatever that need is, our security software experts can have it developed quickly, and for a very affordable fee! And, combined with the “Customizable Buttons/Functions” point above, you could have an app of ONLY custom forms, if that is what you need! This exceptional flexibility might help put this guard app and guard management system in the “best” category too.

Read on for more capabilities that might make this the best security guard management system software for your business, or just give us a call to discuss it: (800) 688-9633 

Time-stamped & Geo-tagged Guard App Submissions:

Every submission from your security officer’s tours and patrols goes into your tracking system with a timestamp and a geo-tag, or Google map pin, showing where the officer was at the time of submission.


Optional by checkpoint and by user, regardless of security level.

Desktop Reporting Option:

Mobile app data collection functions can be performed from a desktop computer or laptop if you grant the user the ability.

Timekeeping and Attendance:

You can run timekeeping reports based on officer or client, for payroll or billing assistance, respectively.

Pictures With Mobile App Submissions:

Pictures are optional on every mobile app submission, but every report can have quite a few, if necessary. For example, every scan or activity submission allows for two pictures, so a DAR (Daily Activity Report) with as little as 25 submissions could have as many as 50 pictures!

Real-time Alerts:

Real-time alerts are no longer unique, but some of the Accountability guard app and management system features are completely unique, so then are its real-time alerts.

best-guard-management-system-customer-reportingREPORTS PORTAL for Your Customers:

About a 50/50 split with security workforce management system and rounds tracker companies who offer something like this. This gives your customers their own super-simple database of reports, allowing them to pull the exact report they want, without calling you, in a couple of clicks!

GPS pings for Your Customers:

This is an option where you can allow your customers to see where an officer was when they made their report submission. It is turned off, by default.

Daily Activity Report Email:

In addition to or in replacement of the customer facing REPORTS PORTAL.

Real-time Incident Reporting:

Daily Incident Report emails can go out with the DAR in the morning too, while real-time Incident Reporting can be in addition to or in replacement to either.

Branded Marketing/ Bid Material:

As mentioned above, we want this system to be YOURS, and we want you to grow with us. So, we will provide you with a marketing flyer and a seven (7) page bid/marketing piece COIMPLETELY BRANDED TO YOU. The best guard app and guard management system and software should help you grow.  

Optional Visitor Management:

A simple access control system that can currently be activated at no additional charge if useful.

Optional Neighborhood Watch App add-on:

best-guard-management-system-optionsThis one needs to be GREENER. If there is a single feature that generally cements this security guard app and workforce management system as the best in the industry, it is this strangely unique community security app software. Conceived of by our CEO many years ago, and expanded by our CTO since, this amazing feature allows you to add a layer of security to your services that your competitors cannot offer! Read more about the Neighborhood/ Business Watch system HERE, or just call us.

Easy Access User Manuals:

Again, it is strange that we haven’t noticed competitors stealing this, but it all goes with the concept of making the security officer app and management system USER-FRIENDLY. So, the latest version of the highly illustrated mobile app will always reside under the question-mark in the upper right of the security guard app. And the ADMIN PORTAL and Mobile App User Manuals will reside under “Contact Support” in the Admin Portal. Even the Neighborhood/Community Security App and customer facing REPORTS Portal have one page User Manuals. So, is this the “Best” guard app and security officer management system software yet?

Training Videos and Ongoing Training:

Once you bring AccountAbility on, we will have you deployed and trained in a matter of DAYS. Security industry expertise has indicated that initially providing you with detailed training videos, and live online Q & A and additional training has our average customer at expert system status themselves inside of two weeks.


Lots more, and lots more coming. We like what we do. We are not looking to have a “security officer app in a box”. We are looking to continually learn from our interactions with you in order to produce the very best security guard app and security officer management system that exists. And we’ll have someone here at 3AM when your mobile security officer doesn’t notice the “Reset password” link on their login screen. Seriously. We got your six.

 Your best security guard management system software and best guard management app are a phone call away. Call (800) 688-9633 or click for a DEMO