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Reliable Security Guard Patrol System

A dependable security guard patrol system should be easy to use and affordable. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see if this reliable guard tour patrol system is best for you.

Reliability is important in any service or product that we count on, and there are few industries that it is more important in than the SECURITY industry. Choosing the best, most dependable security guard patrol system will take care of the technical end of managing your security workforce, and let you concentrate on the rest. But what makes a guard patrol system and app reliable?

Everyone pushing their security software “solution” claims to have a dependable Guard Tour and Patrol System, but many do not. Having worked in the security guard management system and guard tracking app space for many years, we are still surprised how often we hear that some other security guard app did an “upgrade” that now won’t allow the new app download to write NFC tags, or that the scheduled DAR (Daily Activity Report) didn’t go out, or Geofencing stopped working…NOT good. NOT acceptable. So then, how do you find a truly dependable security officer patrol system?reliable-guard-patrol-system-app

A good starting place is to find out what kind of contract or agreement the Security SaaS (Software as a Service) company is trying to tie you into. Some of the biggest guard patrol system suppliers are not incredibly reliable (especially when it comes to Support, but we will get to that), so they ask for a YEAR contract. Then, when you are nice and entrenched in their product, they explain just before renewal that you were not being charged for some of the services for some reason, so your rate will be going up significantly upon renewal. True story.

AccountAbility—and yes, that is our name for a reason—has NO binding contract and NO set-up fees. That is because we have the confidence that comes with manufacturing and supplying an actual dependable security guard patrol system. Simply, if you ever think that you find a better deal elsewhere for a dependable guard patrol system, or, if this security workforce 

management system turns out NOT to be dependable, then you just don’t pay us the next payment. That’s pretty strong when you think about it.

A reliable security officer tour and patrol system provider does not need to bind you with a contract. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see if this dependable guard patrol system is what you need. 

Much of our confidence in this dependable guard patrol system software comes from having built it on the right foundation from the beginning, over a decade ago now. The platform on which our foundation stands is the same used by hundreds of government agencies, medical facilities, universities, and some of the largest tech and fortune 100 Companies in the world. This super-secure, super-stable platform makes for as stable and dependable a security guard tour system and patrol tracking system as there is. As a matter of fact, as of the time this page of our website was published our customers have enjoyed 100% successful report delivery to their customers! Again, you can’t find a more reliable security guard reporting, tour tracking, checkpoint scanning app, and overall guard tour software and patrol management system than that.

The simplicity of the patrol tracking app and guard patrol management pieces contribute to the dependability too. This is not to say that the security workforce management system is not incredibly capable and robust in features, but that the user experience is very easy. This goes for your mobile patrol app users, your security officers who are stationary in a guardhouse, lobby, or who may be utilizing the Visitor Management piece of the system, and for those managers monitoring or controlling everything from the guard tour app and patrol system “Command Center” (System Admin). The reason that an easier user experience makes for a more reliable guard tour patrol system is simple: If your security workforce is not confused with their apps, and you and your customers can easily access and/or control what you need to, then there is far less room for user error!

Reliability is necessary (and wonderful when it’s real!), but it matters little if the dependable guard patrol system is not affordable enough. We are very aware that security officer agency margins are tight. For this reason, we have developed what is likely the most Customizable Security Guard Patrol System in the business, to give you exactly what you want, and not have you pay for what you don’t want. This extreme customization capability—which also lends to your security officers not having buttons/functions that they don’t need and so will only service to confuse, translates to a more affordable, reliable guard patrol system.

This easy to use and dependable security officer tour system software and patrol GPS tracking system are built on an ultra-dependable platform, and still cost-effective. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO today!


Real 5-STAR reviews will also help you determine if security guard patrol system software is reliable. The 5-STAR reviews on our HOME page are all from verifiably real security officer agencies. And you want to be sure that guard patrol software and app reviews are real, whether good OR bad, and not from some review-farm from another country. 

And, when you read those reviews, or the 5-star Google Reviews, Playstore reviews, and Apple App Store reviews for AccountAbility Global LLC, you will see that reliable SUPPORT is a common point of praise for this guard tours and patrol tracking system. We are flattered, but it is surprising to us that everyone does not offer 24/7 U.S.-based expert support. It often seems that the larger the security service software company is the poorer their Support is. Sadly, some of the largest players in the space are the oldest, often still pushing difficult and outdated technology, so they seem to have chosen to ignore most Support requests and just keep selling new customers to replace the disappointed ones who leave! That will never be our way.

Not here. Not ever. Our name is AccountAbility for a reason.    

Call a verifiably reliable security guard patrol system company. NO binding Contract & NO set-up fees with this dependable security officer patrol system software. (800) 688-9633 or DEMO