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Best Guard Tour System

The Best Guard Tour Systems improve accountability and security. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this Guard Tour System to decide if it is the Best Guard Tour Software for you.

There is no denying how critical good security has become in today’s world. So, it follows that you need the best guard tour system for your money to provide your customers with the best service possible, Protect Your Security Officers in the Field, and grow your business successfully in the highly competitive security industry.

The question of course is, what makes a guard tour system the best for YOU?

The “best guard tour systems” will provide excellent DAR (Daily Activity Reports), Shift Reports, and Incident Reports to your customers, giving them the transparency and accountability they need to see that security services are being provided, and provided

Based on by-user geofencing or site selection, exceptional reporting is one of the features that may make this the best guard tour system for you. “Exceptional” because this guard management system has provided 100% successful scheduled daily reports since inception! If you have used other guard tour systems, you will understand that this kind of stability is sadly NOT common. Furthermore, this guard tour system software and app are just one part of the AccountAbility Security Workforce Management System, incorporating MANY Useful Capabilities, and company reports, including but not limited to; In-app Messaging, DAR, Suspicious Persons & Vehicles Reports, Security Officer Shift Reports, Community Watch Reports, Incident Reports, Visitor Reports, Custom Reports, as well as important “Internal”/ security operations management reports like Task Reports, Pass-Down Reports, Checkpoint Reports, Time and Attendance Reports, Site Inspection Reports, Company Vehicle Reports, and Employee Discipline Reports.     

BUT, even with all that, the “BEST” security officer tour system should also be:


Yes. We’ve got your six.

The Best Guard Tour System performs how you need it to. Call (800) 688-9633 today or schedule a DEMO to see if this is the best security guard tour system for your needs.

This guard tour tracking system and accompanying guard tour app runs on the web, in the cloud, super-encrypting your data in and out, and is also downloadable to iPhone or Android devices. There is a web-app version of the data collection as well, for use with mobile devices that are neither Android nor Apple products. The guard tour and patrol rounds app is capable of scanning QR Code or NFC or even selecting a “virtual;” checkpoint, all time-stamped and tracked by GPS.

Other great functions, like In-app Messaging, Lone Worker Protection (Panic Button), and security officer Scheduling Options are awesome too, and we will be happy to go over it all in the demo. But for now, let’s address the ultra-important pillars of the guard company tour system so you can judge for yourself if this is the best guard tour system: Simple user experience, Cost-effectiveness, and Dependability.

Simple, Easy to Use Tour System and Apps

If you view the homepage of our website, you will see that ease of use is, and always has been, the primary driver for the system’s continued development. Our core team of guard tour tracking system experts has devoted over 100,000 hours to supporting and developing guard tour management systems for the security officer industry, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We understand that turnover is an issue, as is the need to cater to some folks who aren’t necessarily highly educated or old-timers who are averse to technology (I can say that because I am not highly educated, and I am an old-timer. HA!). So, from using words, instead of fancy icons, to arranging the app the way you wish (deactivating or activating security guard app buttons), to providing the latest illustrated user manuals and training videos at your fingertips, we have you covered.

Call a U.S.-based security guard app & security guard management system expert today at (800) 688-9633 or DEMO this easy-to-use guard patrol tracking software & patrol app.

Affordable Guard Tour System Softwarecrime-watch-guard-tour-system

Hopefully all the functionality mentioned so far hasn’t made the system seem unattainable. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons we believe this to be among the best guard tour systems in the world is that it is also one of the most—if not THE most—cost-effective. One reason is that, supplying a system that is easy to use and reliable cuts down on support and development costs. So, while we will NEVER scrimp on quality, or on our 24/ 7 American Support, costs are kept down by just doing things right! And while this is one of the most affordable tour systems, it is the unmatched cost-effectiveness that makes this the BEST guard tour system! Exclusive features like entry in the “Best Local Security Guard Services” directory, and the Community Watch App (pictured here), which adds an entire level of security that your competitors cannot provide, actually allow you to charge more and help you WIN CONTRACTS!

A Reliable Guard Tour System

Finally, dependability. As mentioned earlier, our customers and THEIR customers have enjoyed 100% successful delivery of reports since we started the company. That is a clue to the truly amazing stability and reliability of the system. This guard tour tracking system is built on the same super-secure, super-stable system as many of the best Universities, Fortune 100 Companies, Medical Facilities, and Government Agencies. There are very few systems that must be as dependable as a guard tour system, which begs the question, why are so many security officer management systems…not? But the wonderful news is that you have found the guard tour software that checks all the boxes, while helping you become more profitable! So, now you just need to decide if all this makes this the best guard tour system for you.

If an Affordable, Reliable, Easy to use, and extremely Capable Guard Tour System is the Best Guard Tour Software System for your company, call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see.