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Security Guard System Software & App Downloads

Download the right security guard tour and patrol systems and apps. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see if this is the best guard tour patrol system software and app for you.

Downloading the right security guard tour and patrol management system and apps is critical to the success of a modern security officer agency.  Unfortunately, downloading the right security guard tour and patrol system software is equally confusing. Security guard tour and patrol system software and app downloads are a dime a dozen today, and many “solutions” are worth exactly that.

Security guard tour apps and guard patrol systems developed by overseas software companies, with no American security experience, are plentiful. And inexperienced American software companies offering a “Guard Tour System Download” are just as common. The now-common saying, “There’s an app for that”, is very true. Therefore, everybody looking to make a dime in the security officer industry is creating guard tour and patrol management system downloads. So, which security guard management system & app downloads are right for your business?

A security guard management system download should include guard tour and patrol systems and mobile apps that are reliable, affordable, easy to use, and well supported. With over 100,000 hours invested in the development of security SaaS (Software as a Service), and the management and support of the physical security industry, our team is confident that we can provide it all. Confident enough, in fact, that we don’t require a binding contract; not even for 30 days! We may be the only security SaaS company to allow a client to simply stop paying if we let you down. THAT is strong.

Our name is AccountAbility for a reason.

The team of security SaaS experts here at AccountAbility is still surprised how most security officer patrol tracking, reporting and guard tour system download providers seem to think that security is a 9am to 5pm gig! And forget about weekend and holiday support. So, you will be pleased to learn that our security support experts are here 24/ 7/ 365, and answering your calls from AMERICA, no less. If you look at all our 5-star reviews on our home page and on the app stores, you will see that our stellar Support is often mentioned.

See which guard tour & patrol management system and app downloads are best for your business by calling (800) 688-9633 or DEMO.

Guard Tour & Patrol System Software DownloadStability and reliability are oddly something that is often missing from other security guard tour and patrol system supplier downloads. Too often we’ve taken calls from security officer services—who have now become our customers—who endured MONTHS of problems with the guard tour systems and patrol tracking apps they downloaded before. With well over 99% uptime and 100% successful report delivery, you won’t find more stable and reliable guard tour management software and patrol tracking apps to download. Reliability is one more reason we don’t have to bind you to a contract.   

Ease-of-use is another important factor missing from many guard tour systems. Concern about security guard app complexity is, in fact, the major reason why security guard businesses stay too long with inferior guard tour patrol systems and apps.  So, AccountAbility takes that concern out of the equation.

When you download the guard tour management system for Management, as well as the security patrol tracking app, you will immediately see that user-friendly simplicity is well understood by our team, and has been from day one. This is because the Senior Consultant for our company developed the original version of this guard tour patrol system and app download over 10 years ago, after spending DECADES on the physical security service side. He was the CFO of a large security guard service at the time and had been tasked with finding a less complicated security guard app download that was also affordable and dependable. As you may have guessed, the hunt did not go well. He then began work developing the first iteration of this guard tour tracking and patrol scanning app with ease-of-use, reliability, and affordability at the foundation. And our team of security guard system and app experts has been tweaking it ever since, based on YOUR—our security officer agency customers—expert input.     

And finally, affordability. Yes, 24/ 7/ 365 U.S.-based Support, reliability, stability, and simplicity are awesome in security guard patrol and tour system software downloads and security app downloads, but not if they are not cost-effective. Again, it seems to come back to reliability and ease-of use. Because the system is so stable and reliable, it requires less development and Support. Less Development and Support means more savings for us, which translates to more affordable guard tour and patrol system and app downloads.   

These security guard management, tour, patrol, reporting, & checkpoint scanning system software and apps are affordable, reliable, & easy. Call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO

Or, if you prefer, here are some explanations of various security guard management system and app downloads included in this very capable security workforce management system:

Security Officer Management System Software Download:guard-patrol-tour-app-software-download

A security guard management system download is the software that enables you to monitor your security staff. It is also the piece in which you adjust how you want the system to perform. In the AccountAbility security officer management system this is very simple, but also extremely dynamic, allowing you to: Choose which auto-email reports go to which customers and/or supervisors, which security officers are geofenced, what security access your people have, the checkpoint names for each site along with any instructions that you want to pop up when scanned, and about anything else you can think of. This security workforce management system software download also allows you to add your own sites, checkpoints, and officers at any time, without getting approval from us prior. 

While a guard tour system download and a guard patrol system software download can be viewed as two different things, this security officer patrol and tour software handles both. You can easily create mobile patrols or tours, naming the checkpoints, which can be scanned using NFC, QR, or chosen “virtually” if your customer will not allow physical checkpoints to be affixed to their property.

Visitor Management/ Access Control System & App Download:

The Visitor Management System download—also referred to as physical access control software—that has been developed by AccountAbility is simple for you to manage, and for your workforce to collect the data. The visitor management software can be downloaded to Apple or Android phones and tablets, or downloaded to a laptop or desktop in a guard house or lobby as long as a scanner is attached.

Timekeeping & Attendance System Download:

Clock In and Clock Out, in order to track your team’s time and attendance, is simple with this timekeeping and attendance download. Timekeeping reports can be run per-USER, to assist with Payroll, or per-CLIENT, to assist with Billing. Your security workforce can Clock-in and Out with a SCAN, or virtually when they are within the geofence. This affordable Timekeeping and Attendance system is automatically part of the entire Security Workforce Management System, but can be acquired as a stand-alone, like most features.

Security Guard Scheduling System Download:

This extraordinary guard scheduling software is available through a very special partnership with W2W/ TCP. Your enrollment in the AccountAbility Guard Management System brings you initial training, 24/7 support, a FREE month to try it out, and additional discounting off the already excellent security guard scheduling system pricing! 

Security Guard Reporting System Software & App Download:

Reporting to your customers is crucial to the success of a modern security officer company, as you know. Downloading the security guard company reporting system software and app from AccountAbility will give you, and your customers, multiple report types to choose from–including but not limited to DAR (Daily Activity Reports), Company Vehicle, Incident, Suspicious Person/Vehicle, Visitor, Task, Timekeeping, Officer Shift, and more. Multiple report delivery options are at your fingertips as well. You can even provide your customers with their own database of reports at no additional cost to you, making it super easy for your clients to search, download, and/or print their own reports at any time, and without having to call you. While the affordability and customizable features are wonderful, the best thing about the guard reporting download is the dependability. As of the time of this writing, we—and our customers and customer’s customers—have enjoyed 100% successful report delivery! 

Neighborhood Crime Watch System Software & App Download:

neighborhood-watch-app-downloadThis powerful and ultra-unique Neighborhood (or Business) Crime Watch System Software & App download was developed by our staff close to a decade ago. It enables an entire additional layer of security that your competitors cannot provide (unless they are using AccountAbility). Simply, you can provide this app to any of your customers, whether managers in a strip mall, or residents in an HOA, and they can alert you to security concerns that they observe. The crime-watch aspect of the neighborhood/ community watch app download, as well as other features like “Visitor Request”, “Parking Request” and “Vacation Watch”, truly set your company apart from and above your competition.

Security Contract Pricing Software Download:

In an exclusive partnership with Dickinson Software, AccountAbility is pleased and excited to announce the availability of the Security PricingPro on a payment plan, available like never before, and nowhere else.  This amazing guard job pricing and contract analysis tool has over 7000 lines of code and calculations built it, allowing you to plug in the data that it prompts you for and the percentage you want to earn!  Be among the first to submit an ACCURATE and profitable job bid! 

Guard Monitoring System Software & Tracking App Download:

Monitoring your mobile security officers is simple (you may be starting to notice a pattern) with this guard tracking system software download and security rounds tracker app download. A “Real-time Dashboard” on the home screen of your Admin Portal (Command Center) shows you, up-to-the-second, where your officers submitted their last scan and/or activity. You can zoom in on specific sites and, when you hover over the geo-tag (GPS “pin” on the map) it reveals who the officer is, and what they were doing at that time. Your internal reports include a geotag with every submission, which can be extended to your customers if you choose. Furthermore, Lone-worker Protection is part of the app by default, though it can be deactivated per-user. This tracking feature helps keep your security officers safe. A “panic button” resides in the upper right of the mobile app which, when tapped by the mobile security officer, starts a 10 second countdown to notify any personnel who you choose that the officer may be in distress.  Name, number, coordinates, and map GPS-pin, or geotag, are included in the lone-worker protection alert. 

Guard Geofencing System Software & App Download:

Geofencing software creates invisible boundaries around your customer’s properties. The geofencing system software and app downloads ensure that, one, your officers are on site and, two, only presents them the mobile app activities and Post Orders/ SOP for that location, therefore simplifying the experience for your mobile field security officers. Unique to the AccountAbility geofencing system, you can geofence per-user, regardless of security level, so include management if you wish for the convenience of only seeing what is relevant when on site. The difference is that management can override the geofence. 

Security Guard Tour & Patrol App Download:

Simplicity has been mentioned repeatedly because it is core to our security system downloads. Our lead consultant, who developed the initial iteration of this app over a decade ago, spent many years in physical security management, so we know. Therefore, the guard tour and patrol app download uses words on the buttons, instead of fancy confusing icons, and has a short and highly illustrated User Manual built right in. So, if a security officer forgets their password at 3AM, they can handle it themselves, instead of calling you, or us (though we will be here to help if they do call us).  

Security Guard Checkpoint Scanning App Download:

The checkpoint scanning app download for your mobile security officers allows for easy scanning of NFC tags and/or QR codes. You can, again, choose per-officer who has which option(s). Selecting the checkpoint from the Activity form is also an option if you wish. Pictures can be submitted with every scan, just as they can be with any report in this entire security workforce management system.

Security Guard POST ORDERS/ SOP App Download:

Easy access to the correct POST ORDERS/ SOP is a cinch with this Post Orders/ SOP Download. Accessible based on mobile site geofence, or user choice, dependent upon the Post Order/SOP permission level assigned by your upper management. 

FREE Security Guard Management System Software & FREE Guard Tour & Patrol App Downloads:

Don’t do it. Any “FREE” security guard management system software, or free guard tour app download, is a bait-and-switch at best. Why? It costs a LOT of money to develop a good security guard management system and app, and even more to develop a GREAT one. Plus, companies need to make money, so a security software company can no more offer a free guard tour system or a free patrol app download than you can offer free security officer services. AFFORDABLE; that is realistic. Stay away from free security guard app downloads. Instead, give us a call about an affordable and dependable security guard management system software download, a user-friendly security guard app download, and additional community security and visitor management system software and app downloads!

Security guard management system software and app download Customers Click HERE, or call (800) 688-9633 or DEMO to see if this guard tour system software and patrol tracking app download is best for you.