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Mobile Security Officer App

Mobile security officer app capabilities that are powerful and affordable. Call a mobile app experts at (800) 688-9633 or click for a DEMO of this mobile security guard App.

A mobile security officer app is a necessary piece of any successful security guard workforce management system. And to compete in the modern security industry, you need Security Guard Company Software and a mobile security guard app that can automate operations. So, really, it’s just a matter of deciding which is the best mobile security management app and system software for your needs.


But with so many options now, it’s truly difficult to decipher who really offers what, if the security officer mobile app and Security Workforce Management System will be supported, and how much it will really all cost in the end. We will make every effort to help clarify the issue and help you decide if this may be the best mobile guard app and management system for you.

We also have been serving the security officer industry for long enough to know that you are rightfully not patient with beating around the bush. So here are the primary functions and pricing of the AccountAbility Global security officer mobile app and related security Guard Management System. We will flesh the points out after we give you the bullets. NOTE that all “optional” features are included at no additional charge right now if useful:

Click for a DEMO or call (800) 688-9633 to see if this is the best mobile guard app for you or read further to help you decide before calling.

Mobile Android and iOS Apps:

Mobile apps are available on Google Play for Android and the Apple App Store for iPhone. Links to the apps are also available under “Customer Login” above.

Customizable Function Visibility:

This mobile app is truly unique in its flexibility. We initially deploy it to you without all the bells and whistles (except the PANIC button, which you can optionally DIS-engage). We do this to keep it SIMPLE as your mobile security workforce learn the mobile reporting and you get a fast and firm understanding of your ADMIN PORTAL/ command center. We will immediately activate any other options that work for you upon request. But it goes beyond that. This app is so flexible that you could conceivably have us remove the scan button and fill it with only completely custom report forms. We have never heard of that kind of capability, and we’ve been at this a while.

Mobile Security Officer App PANIC Button:  

One of only two icons on the mobile security officer app (we use words for ease-of-use), pictured above, and indicated by the exclamation point in the red triangle. This “optional” function will be activated when deployed but can be deactivated with a call to Support if you choose. When tapped, the PANIC button begins a 10 second countdown during which time the officer has the option to cancel or submit immediately. If the timer counts down with no cancellation, a real-time alert goes out to approximately 12 email addresses, or for a nominal fee of $35 per month additional, up to 20 phone numbers in TEXT/SMS (may be subject to adjustment for very large security officer agencies).

mobile-guard-app-command-centerCOMMAND CENTER:

The Command Center is where your upper management will have access to control the systems and monitor mobile security officers and reporting based on their security access level.

Branded Marketing/ Bid Material:

We provide you with a Security Technology Flyer and a seven (7) page Security Technology piece, each completely branded with your company, contact info, and logo, for you to use in advertising or in your bids as useful.

Report Types:

Your mobile security officer app users will see the report types you define, where you want them seen. Each general report; Incident, Activity, Visitor, etc., have associated “Types”. Multiple “standard” report types are included with deployment, including “Vandalism” as an INCIDENT type (for example) and “Foot Patrol” and an ACTIVITY type. You have the ability to easily customize the types overall, AND even for individual clients.

REPORTS PORTAL (For your customer):

The “Reports Portal” is a simplified, non-editable version of the ADMIN PORTAL where your customers can receive only their reports. You can allow permissions, like geo-tags and real-time or approved-only reports. Your customer can then easily sort and pull whatever report they want in a couple clicks without calling you! Even an incident report from two years previous if they’ve been with you/us that long.

Reports Approval:

Reports can go to your customers in real-time, in a daily email, and/or only once approved.

Timekeeping Reports:

One of many internal reports, the Timekeeping report tracks when your mobile security officer Clocks In and Out on their mobile app. You can run the reports by security officer or by Customer for payroll or billing assistance, respectively.  

Time-stamped and Geo-tagged Mobile Guard App Submissions:

Every NFC and/ or QR code scan and activity performed during a security officer’s patrol or tour is sent to your ADMIN PORTAL in real time, including a timestamp and a pin showing you the approximate GPS location when submitted. Additionally, perimeter alerts can be set to make you aware if a mobile guard tour app user was outside that perimeter when they made their report submission. You can extend the GPS pings to your customer’s REPORTS PORTAL if you so direct.

Desktop Reporting:

Mobile app data collection capabilities can be transferred to a desktop computer for dispatch, lobby, or guardhouse purposes, upon request.

Pictures In Reports:

The mobile guard tours app allows for multiple pictures to be taken with each report submission.

Neighborhood “Watch”/ Community Security App:

Conceptualized by our CEO many years ago, fundamentally created shortly thereafter by our Senior Consultant, and little by little improved many times over by our CTO ever since, this Community Security App allows for several functions: From alerting the on-premises mobile security officers and managers to alerting the gate of an expected visitor!   

Visitor Management:

A simple Visitor Management function can be added to the mobile security officer app which allows for the collection of data on new visitors, partial autocomplete on regular “visitors” (such as residents or employees) or scanned QR code I.D.s.

Easily Accessible User Manuals:

The second and final icon (again, we use words for your mobile workforce) on the mobile app, the “?” in the upper right opens the latest, highly illustrated mobile security guard app user manual, while the “Contact Support” button in the upper right of the ADMIN PORTAL does the same. The COMMUNITY SECURITY APP and the customer facing REPORTS PORTAL each have simple one page user manuals as well.

Training Videos and ongoing Training:

An ADMIN PORTAL training video covering all functionality is included in the deployment emails as is a separate training video for the mobile security officer app. Additional training and Q & As can be scheduled at your convenience if necessary.


Alluded to slightly in the “we use words” reference just previous, the whole guiding principle of our app Development team is SIMPLICITY. It’s a no-brainer that the app needs to perform, but you and your security officers, who are under constant pressure with duty going from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye, do NOT need to have to think about how your mobile security app works!


With 99.99% uptime, the AccountAbility mobile security officer app is dependable, as is the entire guard management system.


Built on the same super-secure platform as government agencies, Fortune 100 companies, and medical educational institutions throughout the U.S., you can count on AccountAbility.

Expertly Supported:

We know that you don’t take the word “expert” lightly, and neither do we. Every member of AccountAbility Global has devoted at least 2 years to direct field support to the security officer industry, with most personnel closer to 10 years. And that 50,000 hours of community security experience does not even include the physical security and Software as a Service (SaaS) experience of our people, more than doubling that.


We know that as hard as you work, and as critical as that work is to a safer society, there is not a ton of profit in the physical security space. We are here for you whether you are just starting a security officer company, or you’re an international security guard firm looking for something better. The AccountAbility Global mobile security officer app and security workforce management system is affordable; amazingly so.


Any of you who know us know that the AccountAbility Global staff is built on a business culture of caring, service, and…accountability. All of our people are encouraged to contribute ideas as to how to make a better mobile security officer app download and management system—many of those ideas based on their interaction with you and your security workforce. We’ve got a LOT in the Development queue, and our folks are actually EXCITED by much of it. SERIOUSLY! When you call I’m sure one of our security officer software and mobile app experts will be happy to tell you aaall about it. LOL! (in a good way)

Please call (800) 688-9633 or click for a DEMO of a truly revolutionary mobile security officer app and equally amazing security workforce system.