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AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684
Security guard reporting is one of the main reasons why consumers in need of security officer services hire a guard business. The primary reason to employ a security guard company is security, of course, but reports are the proof of the security service being provided. Back in the days of the old paper reports and paper-clipped polaroids, guard business customers had to take on faith that rounds were being made on their property. Then came “key” systems and “the wand” systems, that recorded that someone was at a particular point of the property, once the data was later uploaded (sometimes days later) but did not supply any data about that checkpoint stop.
Today’s Security Guard Company Reports need to offer more. Guard reports need to be real-time, coming from security officers who are Geofenced When Appropriate, so that your customer knows they are there, and have the images imbedded in those reports. When your customer opens a modern security officer report, they want to be able to scroll through and quickly and easily see any notes and pictures, including images of a driver’s licenses and/or vehicle license plates. So, that is exactly the security officer reports that AccountAbility Global delivers to your customers!
Every SCAN and every ACTIVITY FORM submitted from the mobile security guard app creates a timestamped and geo-tagged line-item entry in the DAR (Daily Activity Report), the most frequently used report type. The DAR for the guard tour or patrol can be delivered in a variety of ways; by CLIENT (who may have several SITES with you), by SITE, or by security officer (which we refer to as a SHIFT Report). A unique and extremely beneficial aspect of the AccountAbility Global guard company customer reporting system is that SCAN points, either NFC or QR Code, open a SCAN FORM. This is opposed to the majority of security guard industry apps that still just “beep” and record that the officer was at that location. The Scan Form allows for notes and pictures, just like an ACTIVITY FORM. We developed Scans that can Actually Collect Data, based on input from security guard business owners and security officers who had previous experience with the alternatives. There are two main reasons for this: 1. What if there is something happening at that location? Something as simple as a lock on a door rusting through, that doesn’t rise to the level of an Incident Report? With our system the officer takes a pic and make a note and submits. And 2. The customer report is now much more thorough and helpful.
Simplicity for you and your officers and transparency in the security guard reports. Whatever form you choose to send your DAR, an average report might have 30 or 40 entries, most of which have a picture or two, making for a very nice customer facing security guard tour tracking report.
We understand that Your Success Is Our Success. So, we will brand the system to your security guard company. Aside from the mobile guard app download itself, which is only seen by your employees, your Command Center (from where you control and monitor security operations and reporting), your emailed and/or printed security guard reports, and your customer facing “REPORTS PORTAL” (which, we will speak to in a moment) are all branded with your name and LOGO.
We take branding the system to you to the next level. Besides the “Portals” and emailed reports having no mention of us, our team will be creating branded marketing and bid pieces for you, all branded with your logo and contact data. You can then use either as marketing material, or to attach to a Security Job BID (Pricing Tool), showing potential customers what you have to offer. The idea is simple; your customers do not need to know we exist, but by making our advanced security workforce management system YOURS, customers will have all the more reason to choose your security guard company to get it (and to stick with you to keep it). And, besides the security guard company customer reports, there are some pretty major reasons why your customers will want this system. Read more about the powerful and unique AccountAbility Global security officer management system capabilities here: Arsenal
Emailed security guard company reports, whether DAR or Incident Reports or Visitor Reports, etc., are an option, of course. In that case we will deliver the customer report each morning to whoever you specify. The exception is if you want the data to go out as a “Shift Report”. In that case, the customer report will go out in real-time when the security officer’s shift is complete. And an excellent reporting alternative, or customer reporting addition, is also available: The “Reports Portal”. The Reports Portal is a simplified database of all your customers’ security guard reports. Here they can pull exactly the report they want, whether it be a DAR covering last week, or an Incident Report from 3 YEARS ago. Like all the pieces of the Accountability Global guard management system, the Reports Portal is incredibly easy to set up, and incredibly easy to use. To top it off, we include a one-page User Manual, just to be sure it is all fully understood.
There are many customer facing report types, including DAR, Incident Reports, Visitor Reports, Suspicious Person & Vehicle Reports, Community Watch Reports, and more; even Custom Forms and Reports.
Another excellent report feature of the guard company customer reporting system is that the report “Types” can easily be edited by you to best fit your customer’s needs. This means that, for Incident Reports for example, you can create client-specific Incident types to be reported on, or leave it on the defaults we initially set up (and that you can edit). So, you can create general Incident Report types, to be utilized at all of your sites where not otherwise specified, or you can create Incident-Types-By-Client. That means that your hospital client can have a special group of Incident types; maybe “Patient out of room” and “Visitor refuses to leave”, etc.
AccountAbility Global can deliver branded and thorough security guard business customer reports, but is the system reliable? Yes. The AccountAbility system is built on the same platform utilized by Intel, Harvard, Coca Cola, DELL, many Fortune 500 Companies, health and educational institutions, and government agencies. This security workforce management system is ULTRA-secure with an average “uptime” exceeding 99.99%. Yes, neither you, nor your customers, will be disappointed with the stability and reliability of this security guard business reporting system.
A security guard reporting system and mobile guard tours reporting app must be dependable and stable, and so we are. So, is this powerful security business reporting software affordable too? Yes. We have been doing this for a good while, and we are very aware of the thin margins that pervade the security guard business. The AccountAbility system has been designed to be fully scalable so that even a start-up security guard business can afford it. We will base the pricing on your business model and do everything we can to make this security guard company customer reports system, as well as the entire security workforce management system, as affordable as possible.
Finally, SUPPORT. What kind of Support can you expect for your security guard reporting system and app? Answer: Our security guard reporting system and app Support is arguably the best in the business. This is often a leading point to why you and your customers will want to use the AccountAbility security officer management system. That is because our team has over 100,000 hours of real experience in security, whether it be in physical security management, or security software. Our Support team has invested over 100,000 hours in the trenches with your folks, 24/7. Yes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, weekends, and holidays. Most of us have experience with the security workforce management system “competition” and were amazed that those companies look at security Support as a 9 to 5, Monday through Friday gig! No, security doesn’t sleep, so we need to be there for you when you need us. AccountAbility is based right here in America, as is our entire Support team. So, whether you need support for the security guard reports, or have a new Manager who needs to know how to add a new site, you will be speaking with someone in America, with a WHOLE lotta U.S. Security Industry Experience.
AccountAbility is our name for a reason.
AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684