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AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684
Guard patrol app and guard tour app functions are covered with the AccountAbility Global mobile security officer app download. While both a security officer tour and patrol are designed to protect a building, area, or “SITE”, this page will explain how we understand the difference between a Guard Tour App and a Guard Patrol App function. But you be the judge if this security officer app covers your tour and patrol app definitions and needs as well.
A security guard patrol is more flexible. A patrol allows a security officer to Scan NFC or QR Codes and submit DAR (daily activity reports) as the shift unfolds. The security guard app is used to scan the checkpoints on premises and submit activity and incident reports, etc., but not locked into a particular series that must be followed. The benefit of a security guard patrol is that it is unpredictable, so a would-be perpetrator casing a site does not know where the officer will appear next.
On the surface, it seems that it requires a more seasoned security officer to optimally work a guard patrol, using the scanning and security officer reporting app to full potential. But, to simplify the patrol understanding, AccountAbility Global gives you the ability to save multiple SOP/ Post Orders to a site, so any one of these can be titled and utilized to define all site checkpoints for the tour, as well as any instructions on specific activity to be done during that security officer’s patrol shift. Each scannable checkpoint can also include permanent or temporary instructions advising them what to do at that point, and/ or where to go next.
A security guard tour includes a certain order of activities and checkpoints that a security officer should cover during their shift, or even during a certain period of time during that shift. As mentioned above, the ability to add instructions to the NFC and QR scan points allows you to direct the various guard tours you might want to set. The security guard simply scans the tour checkpoint, reads the “Checkpoint Instructions”, records any relevant data and pictures, submits the Scan form, and follows the instructions to the next tour checkpoint (if that is how you choose to use the “Instructions” function). Plus, Post Orders/ SOP allow you to list the orders to follow within certain time frames, and even include a map if helpful. The POST ORDER app button is right at your mobile officer’s fingertips to access any set Tours for their shift.
Tour and Patrol data passes into the Management “Command Center” (System Admin), as well as the security Manager/ Supervisor mobile “Supervisor Menu” function. The site supervisor, or any manager with access permissions, can then monitor officer tour and patrol activity in real-time from the app, or remotely from the desktop Command Center. Furthermore, both perimeter alerts, to make sure the officer is close to where they indicate they are, as well as timed scan point alerts (most often used for Clock In, On Duty or Begin Shift) can easily be set and sent to the job site supervisor or remote management.
Both Tour and Patrol tracking–including Vehicle Patrol–mobile app submissions feed into the security workforce guard management system and automatically form DAR (Daily Activity Reports) and Officer SHIFT Reports. Each submission from the field creates a time-stamped and geo-tagged (optional for your customer) line item, including pics. DAR are emailed each morning, containing all the scan and Activity Form submissions since the last morning email. Officer Shift Reports are generated and delivered in real-time when the officer ends their tour/ patrol shift by scanning Clock Out, Off Duty, or End Shift. A DAR will include all the submissions from all of that site’s security officers’ tour and patrol submissions, whereas the Officer Shift Report includes all the tour and patrol submissions from a single officer, from the time they BEGIN SHIFT until they END SHIFT.
As with all the many functions listed in the security officer tour management system “Arsenal” in the menu above, we have kept the Tour and Patrol functions easy to use for you, your mobile security guards (whether GEOFENCED or not), and your customers (in their receipt of company security reports). Besides using words to identify the mobile app functions, instead of icons, we include a current USER MANUAL right there in the upper, right of the mobile app. There your mobile workforce has detailed and highly illustrated instructions on all functionalities. Tours and Patrols have never been easier.
Another nice thing about the guard tour app we provide and the patrol app we supply is how affordable we are able to make it. This security guard app is affordable for many reasons, but one of the primary reasons is that it was/is developed by security industry experts, who are also SaaS (Software as a Service) experts. When you have U.S. based security industry experts develop security guard technology, instead of some overseas software company who know nothing about American security, you end up with a more streamlined, simpler, tour and patrol app and patrol system overall. And since it is these security and software experts who built the original app so many years ago, and experts who continue to develop it today, our cost is kept down by getting things right. And, if and when we miss a mark, the U.S.-based, 24/7 Security Officer App Experts are here to tend to it immediately. So, we can make the time we save translate to a security guard tour and patrol software app that is cost-effective for you!
When we say security industry “experts” we know that you don’t take that lightly, so we will expound: The first iteration of this security workforce management system and guard tour and patrol app was developed by our now Chief Consultant over 10 years ago, after spending twice that long in physical security management rolls. He had some very good ideas of how to make the guard reporting and tour tracking apps of the time better, which you will see. Since then, our core staff has spent over 50,000 hours in development and 24/7 SUPPORT to the security officer business industry. The substantial advances in our app since it was introduced are largely based on what we have learned from you through those interactions.
Whether you need a guard tour app to follow structured rounds, or a more flexible patrol app to perform various and unpredictable scans and activities throughout the security officer’s shift, we have the best capable, affordable, expertly supported tour and patrol security guard app for you.
AccountAbility Global
35246 US Hwy 19 N
STE 224
Palm Harbor, FL, 34684