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Guard Tracking System Software & Guard Tracking App

Schedule a security guard tracking system DEMO or call a security officer monitoring software and apps expert at (800) 688-9633.

Guard tracking system software, also known as a security officer patrol monitoring system, a guard tour tracking system, or a Security Guard Rounds Tracker, is an essential part of any successful security guard business arsenal. Guard tracking protects your hard-won reputation, keeps your security officers safe, and puts your customers at ease.guard-monitoring-app

We have been in the security business long enough to have heard the horror stories of security officer business customers calling you, saying that the officer is not on site, or not where they should be. Does this actually happen? Sure. But not nearly as often as a customer will assume it does if you don’t monitor your security workforce, so your customers can SEE that your security guards are doing their rounds.

The AccountAbility Global security guard tracking system “pings” the mobile officer every time they make a submission.  So, whether they are clocking in, or doing a foot patrol, as soon as they tap “Submit” a pin, or geo-tag, appears on the map, proving where they were. As you know, all it takes is one time of your customer convincing themselves that your security officer was shirking their duties to lose a lucrative contract. And the worst part is that your security guard may well have been at the site in the first place!  If you have a dependable mobile security officer monitoring system in place, you can shut down your customer’s doubts before they take root, and before you unfairly lose an account.   

And to that end (your security business customers), be sure to check out the unique and POWERFUL ways AccountAbility can Help You GROW.

Also, security guard tracking systems help Keep Your Security Officers Safe.  While monitoring your officer’s position is not a substitute for training, the ability to see exactly where they last were will be very helpful if you haven’t seen any new activity from them in a short while.

The best security guard tracking system for your company may be the one that is affordable (without being “cheap”), easy to use, and reliable. If that is the case, AccountAbility Global has the best guard tracking system for you.

Call a security officer tracking system expert at (800) 688-9633 or click for a DEMO to decide if this is the best guard rounds tracker for your company.

Cost-effectiveness and ease-of-use are very important in a mobile security officer tours monitoring system, but here are some additional key qualities found in this guard tracking system:


      1. Accountability: Yes, this is our name for a reason. Accountability and transparency have become crucial in today’s world. When we are constantly being tricked by advertisements disguised as news and political “click bait”, your customer needs to rest easy that they have made the right decision in hiring you. Your capability to SHOW them that on demand will make your life a whole lot easier too.
      2. NFC and QR checkpoint scanning, or VIRTUAL checkpoints, based on GPS.
      3. Geofencing: Geofencing and geo-blocking is an option for any user, regardless of security level, with this guard tour system software.
      4. Security Officer Safety: The lone-worker protection “PANIC button” built into the upper, right of the mobile security guard app (visible in the top photo) starts a 10 second timer when tapped. The guard then has the option to return to the previous screen if it was inadvertently tapped or, if the officer does not deactivate, then a PANIC alert is sent to email addresses of your choosing, and optionally to text/SMS.   
      5. 24/7, U.S.-based, Security System EXPERT Support: One of the most common themes across our websites, SUPPORT from our team, for yours, is important, and the support provided by the AccountAbility Global team is second to NONE. Our support team has spent over 100,000 hours in service to the security officer industry, so we are more than capable to help. And that support for your security officer tour tracking system and guard tour app is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; all supplied from here in the USA.  
      6. Timestamps and geo-tags: This mobile guard tracking software records a timestamp and a geotag with every scan and activity submission. These pings/pins populate a map on the home screen of your “Command Center” (System Admin). You also have the ability to extend this map to your customers. Furthermore, when you click on the “Details” link of any particular submission in your Command Center, the patrol rounds tracker reveals a single pin that you can blow up to full screen to determine exactly where your security officer was.  
      7. Real-time Monitoring: Your Command Center is your command center. The map that appears in the center of the screen shows the last few hundred submissions submitted by your security force. When you hover over any one of the submissions/pins on the map, it displays the activity performed, the time, the site, and the officer. Clicking “Refresh Map” any time brings that up to the minute.
      8. easy-guard-tracking-system-softwareAlerts and Notifications: Alerts and notifications can be set in the guard management system to alert you when a particular checkpoint has not been scanned when it should have been. This is particularly useful for “Clock In”. Another alert type is to advise you if an officer is outside of the geo-fence alert radius you set.
      9. Customer Facing Options: As our customer, YOU have total control of the system. You decide what reports and alerts that your customers receive, how they receive them, and if they get them in a morning summation, real-time, or both. You also decide if geo-tags are visible to your customers or not.  By default, they are not.
      10. Data Analytics and Reporting: Spoken to more on the Security Guard Reporting System page, numerous reports, from Visitor Management Reports to internal Reports like the Company Vehicle Report and the Suspicious Persons & Vehicles Reports are included. Basic charts are included in the Command Center and the customer facing REPORTS PORTAL. Customization is an option as well. So, if this mobile guard rounds tracker does not have the chart you need, we can certainly build it!


Bottom line, by implementing this security guard tracking system you will improve security officer accountability, keep your guards safer, streamline mobile patrol management and tour management, enhance security protocols, and be better prepared to respond quickly to alerts, Incident reports, and notifications.

Call us at (800) 688-9633 to discuss implementing this affordable and efficient security officer tracking system and security guard rounds tracker app download, or DEMO.